Household Finance
Financial Inclusion Across the United States (with Andrew Whitten and Natalie Cox)
Journal of Financial Economics, April 2025, 166(104003): 1–15.
Elsevier | SSRN | Replication files
Aggregate datasets on financial participation by year, ZCTA, and income quintile
Interactive map of financial participation in the lowest income quintile [Retirement accounts | Bank accounts]
Worker Betas: Five Facts about Systematic Earnings Risk (with Fatih Guvenen, Sam Schulhofer-Wohl, and Jae Song)
American Economic Review: Papers and Proceedings, May 2017, 107(5): 398–403.
American Economic Association | PDF file | Replication files
Health and Mortality Delta: Assessing the Welfare Cost of Household Insurance Choice (with Ralph S.J. Koijen and Stijn Van Nieuwerburgh)
Journal of Finance, April 2016, 71(2): 957–1010.
American Finance Association | SSRN | Replication files
Roger F. Murray Prize, Third Prize, Institute for Quantitative Research in Finance, 2012
Why Do Household Portfolio Shares Rise in Wealth? (with Jessica A. Wachter)
Review of Financial Studies, November 2010, 23(11): 3929–3965.