Avro Anson crash 1940

Update: recently there has been more activity associated with this crash site. See the pdf files attached below.

In February 1984, on a cloudy, humid day, I was hunting sambar deer around the north face of Mt Torbreck, near Eildon Weir, when I came across an unexpected sight. At the end of an old snigging track was a memorial to an aeroplane crash. I took some photos and had a bit of a look around. There was some aluminium pieces but no sign of wreckage.

Later I sent my photos to the RAAF Museum at Point Cook and the curator replied with some details of the flight and crash:

Recently (2011) I received the following email from England:

I've just come across your web page from 2000 about the crash of the Anson in 1940 with the loss of three airmen. At the risk of neither of your email addresses being current I am attempting a reply.

The pilot, Antony (Tony) Daniel was my uncle. He is still fondly remembered by my father, David Daniel, Tony's younger brother, who also became a pilot in the RAAF during the war and later had a long career as a commercial pilot in south east Asia, the UK (where my brother and I and were born) and Italy. He is now back living in WA. He often talks about Tony and I have many photos that Tony took of aircraft and colleagues before and during the war. My father will be delighted to see the pictures you took of the memorial (I notice the mis-spelling of Tony's surname!). It's a shame I hadn't come across your web page before.


Chris Daniel (UK)

Some more details are here: http://www.ozatwar.com/ozcrashes/vic88.htm

In 2016, the site was rededicated: http://www.esplash.me/pdf/Artworkz_eSPLASH_141_A4-4.pdf