Your Guide To Motivation Research

Motivation articles, definitions, theories, theorists, and research resources

One of the best places to find additional information about

motivation and motivation theorists is by accessing one of the many free

public and paid access databases. There are many other resources on

various motivation theories and theorists available in other sections of this

guide to motivation research site. Additional information can also be

found about these theorists and the specific theory listed by placing the

name of the theorist or the theory into any major search engine. The

theorists listed in the next section have made important contributions

to the topic of motivation theory. Each of the theorists is well recognized

for their input to motivation and its related categories of interest in the

fields of sociology, psychology and positive psychology.

When starting to research the subject of motivation one strategy is

to use a technique often used by investigative journalists (Who, What,

Where, When, Why, and How). The 5Ws and one H approach is a

traditional research method often taught in journalism and other

investigative professions. The great thing about the 5Ws and one H

strategy is that can be customized to fit your specific needs. As the

researcher you can use just one question in each category of your

research or an infinite number of questions (ex. Who is the research

about, who is the audience who will read the research, who has the

information you need to start your project, etc.).

This site is a starting point that will give you access to

many research resources and contacts. As with any research topic in the

end it is up to the researcher to do the hard investigative work required

to uncover needed information you can use for your project. The

Motivation Research Center will make the process of uncovering

information you need to get started much easier. Good luck in your

research endeavors. I would love to get your feedback on the usefulness

of this site, so please contact me at

Motivation Theorists

1. John Stacey Adams 2. Icek Ajzen

3. Clayton Alderfer 4. Carole Ames

5. John Atkinson 6. Albert Bandura

7. R.F. Baumeister 8. Howard S. Becker

9. David Birch 10. Jack Brehm

11. Christopher J. Collins 12. Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi

13. Edward Deci 14. Xavier Dreze

15. Carole Dweck 16. Leon Festinger

17. Sigmund Freud 18. Bruno Frey

19. William Glasser 20. Susan Harter

21. Fritz Heider 22. Frederick Hertzberg

23. Edward Tory Higgins 24. Clark L. Hull

25. William James 26. D. Kahneman
