Invited Lectures & Outreach Activities


An introduction to the biology and ecology of hornworts, liverworts, and mosses. Invited Lecture for Flora of Nova Scotia class, facilitated by Alain Belliveau, Acadia University, May 21, 2021. Wolfville, NS, Canada.

The Ecology of Disturbance in Plant Communities. Invited Lecture for Plant Ecology class (BIOL 4410.2), facilitated by Amy Heim, Saint Mary’s University, March 24, 2021. Halifax, NS, Canada.

Lichens in Nova Scotia: An overview of diversity, conservation, & research. 2019. Invited lecture for the Nova Scotia Institute of Science, December 2, 2019. Halifax, NS, Canada.

Science and federal policy for at-risk species in Canada. 2018. Invited lecture for SRES class, facilitated by Dr. Karen Harper, Dalhousie University, October 15, 2018, Halifax, NS, Canada. Given again for Dr. Cindy Staicer’s BIOL 4810.03 Special Topics in Ecology: Species at Risk Field Course, May 29th, 2019.

The physiological ecology of lichens. 2017. Invited lecture for RenR 401 (Lichens of Alberta), facilitated by Dr. Diane Haughland. February 9, 2017. Edmonton, AB, Canada.

Microscopy for primary school science teachers: microscope anatomy, use, and maintenance. Invited workshop for Instructor Gary Caines’ Introduction to Science Education ​(ED 3511), UNBSJ, March 1, 2016.

Liverworts: specialists in the very small. Invited lecture for Dr. Kate Frego’s Survey of the Plant Kingdom (Biol 3355), UNBSJ, on Jan. 21st, 2015.

Waste management and sustainability in an institutional environment: lessons from the UNB Green Society’s recycling and waste auditing programs in Saint John. Invited lecture for MBA program, invited by Dr. R. Keith Dewar, Faculty of Business, UNBSJ, in May, 2013 and 2014.

The biology and practice of maple syrup production. Invited lecture for Dr. Kate Frego’s Economic Botany (Biol 3275), UNBSJ, on March 12th, 2013.

Leopold's land ethic and the flora and fauna of Tucker Park, Saint John. Invited by Dr. Lisa Kretz, for Philosophy 3153 – Business Ethics, UNBSJ in June, 2012.

A 90-minute guide to writing with style: an overview of the techniques and approaches you’ll need to get top marks on your reports. Invited by Instructor Leah McIntosh, for Botany 2125 (Intro to Botany) UNBSJ, in November, 2011.

Fire, lichens, and caribou: how the inner-workings of a unique forest ecosystem have been unveiled over decades of description, experimentation, and synthesis. Invited by Dr. Kate Frego, for Botany 3541 (Plant Ecology), UNBSJ, in January, 2011.

Fire, lichens, caribou, and avoiding multicollinearity in data-intensive projects. Invited by Dr.Tasneem Zaihra, Computer Science and Applied Statistics, for STAT4703 (Regression analysis), UNBSJ in December, 2010.

Avoiding plagiarism in academic writing: tricks, techniques, and why most academics don’t have to worry about it. Workshop for Dr. Lisa Poirier’s Biology 210 (Introduction to Ecology), in October 2008.

Community / primary / secondary school

Hiding in plain sight: lichens and liverworts in Atlantic Canada. 2019. Invited lecture by the Nova Scotia Wild Flora Society. November 25, 2019. Halifax, NS, Canada.

Lichens: Can I pick/eat/squish/crumble/throw/poke them? 2019. Invited discussion about basic types of lichen, what they do, and what they are – followed by a lichen hunt and terrarium creation activity – for the Young Naturalists Club of Nova Scotia as part of the Celebration of Nature Conference, May 25, 2019. Liscombe, NS, Canada.

Lichens in Nova Scotia: a brief overview of lichen biology, classification, diversity, conservation, current research, and techniques. 2019. Invited lecture for Nova Scotia Celebration of Nature Conference, May 25, 2019. Liscombe, NS, Canada.

Methods and practice of indoor composting. 2016. Invited workshop for UNBSJ Community Garden users, facilitated by Dr. Greg Puncher. April 12, 2016. Saint John, NB, Canada.

Does moss really grow on the North side of trees? A case study of applying scientific principles to investigate ecosystems. Invited workshop for annual UNBSJ middle-school Math Competition participants, facilitated by Amy Witkowski, and co-developed with Marija Veljanovska. May 13th, 2016. Saint John, NB, Canada.

A career in environmental science: why do I do it, and why should you? Closing address for the 2015 NB Envirothon (Highschool competition), at the University of New Brunswick, Saint John, facilitated by Becky Geneau. May 24-25, 2015.

Liverworts: specialists in the very small. Invited lecture for Saint John Naturalist’s Club, at the Mary Oland Theatre in the New Brunswick Museum, facilitated by Mary Sollows. Feb. 9th, 2015.

How do plants help to reduce global warming? Workshop for UNBSJ Science Camp (for middle-school students), in partnership with the UNBSJ Promise Partnership. July 10th, 2014. Invited by Jen Brown, UNBSJ Promise Partnership.

What good are plants? Workshop for Ms. Fuller’s Grade 3 class, coordinated with the UNBSJ Green Society and the UNBSJ Promise Partnership. April 3rd, 2014.

Bogs and Sphagnum mosses: Mother Nature’s water filters. Workshop for middle and high-school students at the Fundy Regional Science Fair. April 23rd, 2013. Invited by Scott Thomas, UNBSJ student advisor.

Dendrochronology – an essential tool for field work in archaeology, ecology, and more. Workshop for middle and high-school students at the Fundy Regional Science Fair. April 12th, 2013. Invited by Scott Thomas, UNBSJ student advisor.

The structure and function of plants. Workshop for grade 8 science, developed and presented to John Giberson’s Grade 8 science class, Hampton Middle School, December 4th, 2013.

Applying the scientific method in Ecology. Workshop for grade 7 science, developed and presented to Heather Sherrard’s Grade 7 Science class, Belle-Isle Middle School, Nov. 7th, 2013.

Ecology, population biology, and conflict potential of cougars in Strathcona County, Alberta. Invited by Carol Smith, outreach coordinator for the Strathcona Wilderness Centre in 2003 and 2005.