
Selected publications

Higher sentiment among U.S. investors leads to higher employment growth around the world.

Journal of Financial Markets, Volume 61, November 2022, 100704.

Unpopular U.S. presidents create undue pessimism in the equity market and depress stock returns.

Many investors shun companies that exhibit high pay inequality between managers and workers.

Journal of Corporate Finance, Volume 88, October 2024, 102627.
During politically uncertain times, institutional investors herd and (mostly) improve market efficiency.

Other publications

Online bookmakers are less similar and less risk-averse than previously thought.

Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance, Volume 39, September 2023, 100819.
Small companies of superior quality tend to have clever names.

Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance, Volume 39, September 2023, 100834.
The value premium partly reflects a speculative component in investor demand.

Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance, Volume 43, September 2024, 100961.
Optimistic managers hire too much and decrease labor productivity.

New working papers

Sentiment can create economic booms but only in smaller or less advanced economies.

CEPR Discussion Paper No. 19337.

Firms that invest in green technologies are better firms all round.

Other working papers

Distant political relations make foreign investors retrench from the host country.

Governments may not act as optimizing agents under high levels of uncertainty.

A quasi-natural experiment shows that equity spreads reflect a large behavioral component.

Prospect preferences create equity spreads in their own right.