
Monroe County Math League (MCML) provides a venue for students from schools in the Monroe County area to participate in monthly challenging math competitions after school during October through February. The season culminates with the top 35 students being invited to attend NYSML, the state competition, usually in April. Each month, participating schools run the competition on a set date during a 3 hour window, reporting the informal results in a live Google sheet and the official results to the statisticians upon completion. During the competition, students participate in a 20 minute team round and two out of four 10 minute individual rounds.

Each monthly competition involves challenging math problems related to the five topics for the given month. During the team round, students work together to answer five questions, one from each topic, ranging in value from 2-5 points per question with a total of 16 points possible.  During the individual rounds, students work independently to answer three questions from  the chosen topic, with values of 1 point for question 1; 2 points for question 2; and 3 points for question 3. Points are awarded only for correct final answers. Certain mathematical language (termed Question Lingo) is assumed in the question phrasing.

Students are assigned to teams of ten and the school score is determined by adding the highest team round score to the top four individual scores. Thus, the total possible points for a school in a given month is 64.