Undergraduate projects

Automated Transmission Line Alignment System

Technology: Visual Basic and Arc objects (ESRI)

Role: Created an GIS application tool to solve the complex process of aligning the new transmission line corridor in an test area considering all the cost factors. The input is the various GIS layers like land use, soil, road, towns and the output will be least cost routes connecting the user given source and destination points and routing options. Implemented Artificial Intelligence (AI) algorithms in searching for the best route. read more..

Presented in Map World 2007, International conference on geographic information systems.

Map World Forum Poster Presentation Submission PDF

Optimal Satellite Image Compression for Remote Sensing Applications

Technology: Visual C++, CxImage – open source, Matlab

Role: Created an image processing application which demonstrates the custom defined methodology of compressing the remote sensed satellite images with respect to a remote sensing application using the images.

Property Tax Information System

Technology: Visual Basic , Map objects (ESRI) and MS-Access

Role: Created an GIS application which collaborates the property tax records in the computer system along with spatial data with the help of GIS techniques and to integrate both non-spatial and spatial attributes for the effective representation, updating, querying and visualization. read more..

Paper presented in Map India 2006, Conference on Geographic Information Systems and its applications.

Presentation Slides PDF

Pharmacy Stock Maintenance and Billing System

Technology: Visual Basic and MS-Access

Role: Created an application software tool which facilitates sales and billing of medicines in a pharmacy and overall stock maintenance. The back-end database is MS-Access.