
Selected peer-reviewed publications:

Evaluating Effects of ICT Core Elements on CO2 Emissions: Recent Evidence from OECD Countries, with Virág Bittó, Wolfgang Briglauer and Wolfgang Schwarzbauer, online first in Telecommunications Policy

The Impact of ICT on Electricity and Energy Consumption and Resulting CO2 Emissions: A Literature Review, with Wolfgang Briglauer, Wolfgang Schwarzbauer and Virág Bittó, forthcoming in International Review of Environmental and Resource Economics

Will the EU taxonomy impact the trade specialisation of European economies?, with Wolfgang Schwarzbauer, forthcoming in The Economists' Voice

Syndication networks and company survival: evidence from European venture capital deals, with Stefan Köppl and Dimitris Christopoulos, Venture Capital, 2022, 24:2, pp. 105.135

Determinanten und Effekte von Venture Capital und Private Equity: Eine Literaturanalyse , with Stefan Köppl, Johannes Berger and Ludwig Strohner,  in List Forum für Wirtschafts- und Finanzpolitik, 2020 47(2), pp. 151-192

Redistribution within the tax-benefit system in Austria (with Michael Christl, Denes Kucsera and Hanno Lorenz), forthcoming in Economic Analysis and Policy

Gender gap in voting: Evidence from actual ballots, forthcoming in Party Politics (26/1137 Sociology and Political Science; SJR IF 3.403)

Determinants of Public‐Sector Efficiency: Decentralization and Fiscal Rules, (with Michael Christl and Denes Kucsera),  Kyklos, 2020, Vol. 73(2), pp. 253-290

Gender wage gap and the role of skills and tasks: evidence from the Austrian PIAAC data set (with Michael Christl),  Applied Economics, 2020, Vol. 52, pp. 113-134

Wage differences between immigrants and natives in Austria: The role of literacy skills (with Michael Christl and Phillipp Gnan), 2020, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, Vol. 46, pp. 4010-4042 (5/99 Demography; SJR IF 1.784)

Disentangling the fiscal effects of local constitutions (with Jaroslaw Kantorowicz), Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 2019, Vol. 163, pp. 63-87

Do equalization payments affect subnational borrowing? Evidence from regression discontinuity (with Hans Pitlik), European Journal of Political Economy, 2018, Vol. 52, pp. 84-108

Some thoughts on Frey's "Proposals for a democracy of the future", Homo Oeconomicus, 2018, 35(1-2), pp. 127-131 (invited contribution)

Effects of tax competition on employment in the public sector: A simulation model for Austria (with Michael Christl), Empirica, 2017, 45(3), pp. 607-638

Revisiting the employment effects of minimum wages in Europe (with Michael Christl and Denes Kucsera), German Economic Review, 2017, 19(4), pp. 426-465

Opportunistic politicians and fiscal outcomes: the curious case of Vorarlberg, Public Choice, 2016, Vol. 168(3), pp. 177-216

Structural unemployment after the crisis in Austria (with Michael Christl and Denes Kucsera), IZA Journal of European Labor Studies, 2016, 5(12)

Effects of collective minimum wages on youth employment in Austria (with Michael Christl and Denes Kucsera), Empirica, 2016, 44(4), pp. 781-805

The effects of fiscal autonomy on the size of public sector and the strength of political budget cycles in local expenditure (with Grzegorz Kula, Agata Balmas and Kamila Waclawska), Local Government Studies, 2016, 42(5), pp. 785-820 (185/1137 Sociology and Political Science, 41/230 Development; SJR IF: 0.913)

Campaign finance regulations and policy convergence: The role of interest groups and valence, European Journal of Political Economy, 2014, Vol. 33, pp. 1-19

Estimation of Party Positions: A Comment on Schofield and Zakharov (2010), Public Choice, 2012, Vol. 153 (1-2), pp. 163-169

(full list including non-peer reviewed papers to be found in my CV)

Under Review/In Revision:

Government-backed venture capital investments and performance of companies: the role of networks, with Dimitris Christopoulos and Stefan Köppl, EcoAustria Research Paper no. 21, (Resubmitted at Research Policy)

Electoral systems and women’s representation in politics, with Jarosław Kantorowicz und Michal Gulczynski (Reject & Resubmit at Journal of Public Economics)

Does redistribution hurt growth? An Empirical Assessment of the Redistribution-Growth Relationship in the European Union, with Michael Christl and Silvia De Poli

Limited Impact of Introducing Proportional Representation on Women's Representation: Insights from a Quasi-Experiment in Local Elections, with Jaroslaw Kantorowicz and Michal Gulczynski, (previous version listed as EcoAustria Research Paper no. 15)

Growth of public consumption in Austria: testing Wagner’s law and Baumol’s cost disease, with Reinhard Neck and Denes Kucsera, Agenda Austria Working Paper no. 10

Public Choice Encyclopedia, Editors: Christan Bjoernskov and Richard Jong-a-Pin

Current Research:

Do women vote differently? Evidence from actual voting behavior, with Christian Ochsner

Cushion or catalyst? How welfare state generosity moderates the impact of economic vulnerability on populist radical right support, with Laurenz Ennser-Jedenastik and Linda Dezsoe

Other Publications:

Verflechtung macht verwundbar (with Grzegorz Lechowski und Simon Wanka), WZB-Mitteilungen, 2022, 176, pp. 49-52

Employment Effects of Minimum Wages (with Michael Christl and Denes Kucsera), ifo DICE Report, 2019, 16 (4), pp. 18

Beschäftigungseffekte von Mindestlöhnen: Die Dosis macht das Gift (with Michael Christl and Denes Kucsera). Ifo Schnelldienst 02/2019. pp. 40-46

Geld ohne Arbeit? Ausgewählte wirtschaftspolitische Aspekte der Einführung eines flächendeckenden Grundeinkommens (with Michael Christl and Fabian Stephany), Wirtschaftspolitische Blätter 65 1-2018

Gründe für die Wahl zugunsten rechtspopulistischer Parteien (with Mara Gruenewald), IW-Kurzberichte 17.2017, Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft Köln (IW)/ German Economic Institute.

Meta-Analyse zu wirtschaftlichen Auswirkungen der Migrationswelle und zur erfolgreichen Integration (with Hanno Lorenz), Wirtschaftspolitische Blätter 63 3-2016

Investitionen: Warum wir sie brauchen und wie wir sie kriegen (with Michael Christl and Hanno Lorenz), Wirtschaftspolitische Blätter 1/2016

Chapters in books:

Determinanten des erfolgreichen cross-border Venture Capital, in How to Start-Up, Ed. Kambis Kohansal, Linde-Verlag, forthcoming April 2024

Reform des Pensionssystems: Europas Chance auf finanzielle Stabilität und gesteigerte Innovation, in Europa neu gedacht. Wie ein aktives Österreich zu einem starken Europa beitragen kann, Ed. Österreichische Gesellschaft ür Europapolitik, Czernin-Verlag, ISBN: 978-3-7076-0838-0

Gesamtgesellschaftliche und volkswirtschaftliche Effekte flächendeckender Kleinkindbetreuung, in Jahrbuch für Politik 2023, Ed. Andreas Khol, Böhlau Wien (2024), ISBN-13: 978-3-205-21954-5 

Ein Bildungsscheck für jedes Kind, in —Ideen, die Geh’n, Ed. Wolfgang Schüssel, Kleine Zeitung Verlag, ISBN 978-3-903323-25-4

Reform des Finanzausgleichs unter finanzwissenschaftlichen Gesichtspunkten (with Ludwig Strohner), in Handbuch der Österreichischen Finanzverfassung, Ed. Peter Bussjäger, 2022, ISBN: 978-3-7003-2237-5, Verlag: New Academia Publishing

Für eine Renaissance der marktwirtschaftlichen Ordnungspolitik – was jetzt zu tun ist, with Christoph Robinson, in Bürgerliche Impulse, Ed. Politische Akademie der Volkspartei, 2023 ISBN: 978-3-9505126-2-5

Resilienz im Osterreichischen Föderalismus,  Krisenfester Finanzausgleich - Herausforderungen und Optionen zur Krisenbewältigung, Ed. KDZ - Zentrum für Verwaltungsforschung, ISBN: 978-3-7083-1393-1, Verlag: NWV im Verlag Österreich


Köppl-Turyna M. and M. Christl (2019). Gender wage gaps and skills, Handbook of Labor, Human Resources and Population Economics, eds. Klaus Zimmermann

Is risk always good? Is risk always bad? [in:] Finansowe uwarunkowania rozwoju organizacji gospodarczych. Ryzyko w rachunkowości i zarządzaniu finansami. eds. Turyna J., Rak J., Warsaw 2013 ISBN: 978-83-63962-40-1 

“Metody ilościowe w zarządzaniu” [in:] Decyzyjne systemy zarządzania, [In Polish], ed. Jerzy Kisielnicki, Difin, Warsaw 2012 ISBN: 978-83-7641-622-9


Essays on spatial competition, PhD Thesis, Vienna 2011

Editorial Board:

The Economists' Voice

Refereeing for:

Public Choice; Southern Economic Journal; European Journal of Political Economy; Empirica. Journal of European Economics; Empirical Economics; Comparative Economic Studies; Munich Social Science Review; Local Government Studies; Journal of Youth Studies; Economic Modelling; Economic Analysis and Policy; The Social Science Journal; Scottish Journal of Political Economy; Publius: Journal of Federalism; Journal of Human Resources; Labour; Public Opinion Quarterly; Plos One; Kyklos; International Tax and Public Finance; Journal of Public Economics