Give Respect

A Monash University Initiative

What is Give Respect?

Established in 2017, Give Respect is a Monash University Initiative that aims to increase awareness, and provide students with training and support, to reduce peer-to-peer disrespect throughout the University and the wider community.

Funded by Monash University, the Give Respect project has been developed by a multi-disciplinary team of qualified experts, with backgrounds extending across medicine, commerce, arts, social work and law.

The program has involved careful research from the Give Respect team, and utilised a co-creation process involving a range of student representatives to develop informative yet engaging content for students throughout the university.

The need for interventions across Australian universities

After the release of the 2017 Australian Human Rights Commission's report on sexual assault and harassment across the nations' universities, it became apparent that change within tertiary institutions was urgent.

However, the identification of this severe problem drew attention to it's existence within an even greater problem: peer-to-peer disrespect.

Rampant throughout schools, universities, and workplaces, peer-to-peer disrespect is defined as any form of intimidating behaviour that targets an individual or group. This behaviour can come in a range of forms, including physical, verbal and emotional abuse, exclusion, discrimination (racial, religious, cultural, sexual), predatory behaviour, and bullying.

Peer-to-peer disrespect is not exclusive to Monash. It occurs across universities throughout Australia, and effective interventions must be made to limit their development and harmful impact.

Co-creation with Summer Scholar students

A core feature of this educational intervention is the extensive involvement of Monash students to assist in the development of content.

The project's research team utilised a range of student groups, including focus groups, advisory boards, and students from the university's Summer Scholar program, to accurately develop detailed and relevant training.

The Summer Scholar research program is offered during the summer break, for students to engage with ongoing research projects. Students interested in further studies or employment within research and academia are encouraged to apply, with the outcomes of the program offering a variety of benefits to both the students and the research team they assist.

The Summer Scholars selected to work on the project were able to use their position as students to leverage communication and involvement with the wider student body, through their social networks, student society connections, and lack of association as an authoritative institution.

Communication with university students was further enhanced through facilitation by the Summer Scholars as the scholars were able to empathise with their peers, and elicit the trust required to receive more detailed and honest responses from students.

Draft images of the content created throughout the Summer Scholarship program can be explored below, with details regarding how and why we developed the concepts.

The Summer Scholar Students were fortunate enough to be selected to present a poster at the ANZAHPE (Australian & New Zealand Association for Health Professional Educators) Conference 2018. Click here to view a digital copy of their poster.