
Welcome! The MOMS Club® of Marion is open to all moms living in Marion, Robins, Springville, Toddville, including those who are stay at home moms, work part-time, or work from home.

Benefits of Joining

We are a support network for sharing parenting tips and ideas. We offer a crafty MOMS Club®, book club and more. We also have a Sunshine Club program, which is there to give moms a helping hand when needed most, after the birth of a new baby, during or after a move, if you've experienced a hardship, or anytime you just need some extra support. Just let us know what you need and the moms will rally to help out.

We're part of an international organization, so if you ever move, we'll help you find a chapter in your new town.

Cost of Membership

Currently our dues are $25 for the entire year, and Associate memberships are available for $15 if you attend 2 events per month. No one is turned away for lack of funds. This covers a new member packet when you join, hospitality costs to help cover some of the costs of parties and general office costs, such as flyers to advertise our MOMS Club® chapter.

You’re welcome to try us out by attending one or two public activities. When you're ready to become a member, we'll provide you with all of the information you need to get started.

If you're interested in joining, please contact our Membership VP at

Calendar and Newsletter

Each month you'll receive a calendar with the activities for that month so there's no guessing, or wondering "What's there to do in town today." We also provide a monthly newsletter which gives you updates on our club members, information about planned activities and a community section that tells about things going on in the area outside of MOMS Club®.

Each and every activity we do is member sponsored. What that means is members have the ability to suggest activities and ideas that meet their interests and propose those ideas to members of the board. Many of the interest groups we have as a part of our calendar today were simply suggestions from current members that matched up to their interests.

There are no obligations when becoming a member. We have some members who like to attend many activities on the calendar each month, some moms who volunteer for one of our many supporting positions (such as on our Executive Board), and many moms who just like attending the activities hosted by other moms.

You get to choose to participate at a level that makes you and your children most comfortable.