SQL Interview


·  CREATE      : To create a new data structure.

·  ALTER        : To change an existing data structure.

·  DROP         : To remove an entire data structure.

·  TRUNCATE : To remove all rows from a table and resets table identity to initial value.


·  INSERT         : To add records into the table.

·  UPDATE        : To change column value in the table.

·  DELETE        : To remove rows from the table.

Transaction Control Language:

·  COMMIT    : Save or enable DML changes to the database.

·  ROLLBACK :Restores database to original state since the last COMMIT command in transactions

Data Control Language

·  GRANT: Allow access privileges to users (e.g. select, insert, update, alter, delete, etc to nominated tables or attribute in tables).

·  REVOKE: Revoke or cancel access privileges.

·  DENY   : Creates an entry in the security system that denies permission from a security account in the current database and prevents the security account from inheriting the permission through its group or role memberships.

WHAT is Candidate key, Alternate key, Composite key

A candidate key is one that can identify each row of a table uniquely. Generally a candidate key becomes the primary key of the table. If the table has more than one candidate key, one of them will become the primary key, and the rest are called alternate keys. A key formed by combining at least two or more columns is called composite key.

To find 2nd Max salary:

select max(E.Salary) from EmpInfo E where E.Salary in (select Salary from EmpInfo E2 where E2.Salary not in(select max(salary)from EmpInfo))


select max(Salary) from  (select Salary from EmpInfo E2 where E2.Salary not in(select max(salary)from EmpInfo)) res


select max(Salary) from EmpInfo where salary in (select Salary from EmpInfo where salary <(select max(salary)from EmpInfo))

select min(Salary) from EmpInfo where salary in (select Salary from EmpInfo where salary not in(select min(salary)from EmpInfo))

ROW_NUMBER() over (order by PurchaseOrderNum) as [RowNumber],

select * from sys.tables

select * from sys.procedures

select * from cgn_user for xml auto

select * from cgn_user for xml path

sp_depends sp_UserDetails_Add

sp_help sp_UserDetails

sp_helptext sp_UserDetails_Add

To find Nth Max salary by row count:


4=(SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT salary ) FROM EmpInfo WHERE e.salary<=salary)

Top RDMS Products with vendor name:

1. MySQL -> Oracle Corp

2. Oracle -> Oracle Corp

3. DB2 - > IBM

4. Teradata -> NCR

5. SQL Server -> Microsoft

The reason I picked MySQL as #1 was because the product is open source. SQL Server does not support unix/linux, that is why it's listed as the last.



What is a Database Schema?

In a relational database, the schema defines the tables, the fields in each table, and the relationships between fields and tables.

You can assign a user login permissions to a single schema so that the user can only access the objects they are authorized to access.

Schemas can be created and altered in a database, and users can be granted access to a schema. A schema can be owned by any user, and schema ownership is transferable.

SQL Server runs on port 1433

What are Primary Keys and Foreign Keys?

Primary keys are the unique identifiers for each row. They must contain unique values and cannot be null. Due to their importance in relational databases, Primary keys are the most fundamental aspect of all keys and constraints. A table can have only one primary key.

Foreign keys are a method of ensuring data integrity and manifestation of the relationship between tables.

What’s the Difference between a Primary Key and a Unique Key?

Both primary key and unique key enforce uniqueness of the column on which they are defined. But by default, the primary key creates a clustered index on the column, whereas unique key creates a non-clustered index by default. Another major difference is that primary key doesn’t allow NULLs, but unique key allows one NULL only

What is a View?

A simple view can be thought of as a subset of a table. It can be used for retrieving data as well as updating or deleting rows. Rows updated or deleted in the view are updated or deleted in the table the view was created with. It should also be noted that as data in the original table changes, so does the data in the view as views are the way to look at parts of the original table.( that does not really exist in its own right but is instead derived from one or more underlying base table)

CREATE view vw_user2 as SELECT * from SelfJoins where emp_manager_id=11

SELECT * FROM vw_user2

update vw_user2 SET emp_name='shaikk' WHERE emp_id=16

DELETE vw_user2 WHERE emp_id=16

What is Normalization?

In relational database design, the process of organizing data to minimize redundancy is called normalization. Normalization usually involves dividing a database into two or more tables and defining relationships between the tables. The objective is to isolate data so that additions, deletions, and modifications of a field can be made in just one table and then propagated through the rest of the database via the defined relationships.

What is De-normalization?

De-normalization is the process of attempting to optimize the performance of a database by adding redundant data. It is sometimes necessary because current DBMSs implement the relational model poorly. 

What is a Stored Procedure?

A stored procedure is a named group of SQL statements that have been previously created and stored in the server database. Stored procedures accept input parameters so that a single procedure can be used over the network by several clients using different input data. And when the procedure is modified, all clients automatically get the new version. Stored procedures reduce network traffic and improve performance. Stored procedures can be used to help ensure the integrity of the database.

What is a Cursor?

A cursor is a database object used by applications to manipulate data in a set on a row-by-row basis, instead of the typical SQL commands that operate on all the rows in the set at one time.

In order to work with a cursor, we need to perform some steps in the following order:


OPEN cur_main ;

FETCH cur_main INTO ---;




CLOSE cur_main;

DEALLOCATE cur_main;

Simple Cursor Tutorial with Syntax example in SQL Server

DECLARE @name VARCHAR(50) -- database name  

DECLARE @path VARCHAR(256) -- path for backup files  

DECLARE @fileName VARCHAR(256) -- filename for backup  

DECLARE @fileDate VARCHAR(20) -- used for file name 

SET @path = 'C:\Backup\'  



SELECT name 

FROM MASTER.dbo.sysdatabases 

WHERE name NOT IN ('master','model','msdb','tempdb')  

OPEN db_cursor   

FETCH NEXT FROM db_cursor INTO @name   



       SET @fileName = @path + @name + '_' + @fileDate + '.BAK'  

       BACKUP DATABASE @name TO DISK = @fileName  

       FETCH NEXT FROM db_cursor INTO @name   


CLOSE db_cursor   

DEALLOCATE db_cursor

What is User-defined Functions?

User-defined Functions allow defining its own T-SQL functions that can accept zero or more parameters and return a single scalar data value or a table data type.

What is the Difference between a Function and a Stored Procedure?

What are the Difference between Clustered and a Non-clustered Index?

A clustered index is a special type of index that reorders the way records in the table are physically stored. Therefore, the table can have only one clustered index. The leaf nodes of a clustered index contain the data pages.A clustered index is automatically created when we create the primary key for the table

A non-clustered index is a special type of index in which the logical order of the index does not match the physical stored order of the rows on disk. The leaf node of a non-clustered index does not consist of the data pages. Instead, the leaf nodes contain index rows. (Read more here)

How Does a Non-Clustered Index Work?

A table can have more than one Non-Clustered index. But, it should have only one clustered index that works based on the Binary tree concept. Non-Clustered column always depends on the Clustered column on the database.

This can be easily explained with the concept of a book and its index page at the end. Let us assume that you are going to a bookshop and found a big 1500 pages of C# book that says all about C#. When you glanced at the book, it has all beautiful color pages and shiny papers. But, that is not only the eligibility for a good book right? One you are impressed, you want to see your favorite topic of Regular Expressions and how it is explained in the book. What will you do? I just peeped at you from behind and recorded what you did as below:

In the above scenario, the Index page is Non-Clustered index and the page numbers are clustered index arranged in a binary tree. See how you came to the page 407 very quickly. Your mind actually traversed the binary tree way left and right to reach the page 407 quickly.

What are Different Types of Join?

Cross Join

A cross join that does not have a WHERE clause produces the Cartesian product of the tables involved in the join. The size of a Cartesian product result set is the number of rows in the first table multiplied by the number of rows in the second table. The common example is when company wants to combine each product with a pricing table to analyze each product at each price.

Inner Join

A join that displays only the rows that have a match in both joined tables is known as inner Join. This is the default type of join in the Query and View Designer.

Outer Join

A join that includes rows even if they do not have related rows in the joined table is an Outer Join. You can create three different outer join to specify the unmatched rows to be included:

·         Left Outer Join: In Left Outer Join, all the rows in the first-named table, i.e. “left” table, which appears leftmost in the JOIN clause, are included. Unmatched rows in the right table do not appear.  

·         Right Outer Join: In Right Outer Join, all the rows in the second-named table, i.e. “right” table, which appears rightmost in the JOIN clause are included. Unmatched rows in the left table are not included.

·         Full Outer Join: In Full Outer Join, all the rows in all joined tables are included, whether they are matched or not.

Self Join

This is a particular case when one table joins to itself with one or two aliases to avoid confusion. A self join can be of any type, as long as the joined tables are the same. A self join is


rather unique in that it involves a relationship with only one table. The common example is when company has a hierarchal reporting structure whereby one member of staff reports to 

another. Self Join can be Outer Join or Inner Join.


What’s the Difference between a Primary Key and a Unique Key?

Both primary key and unique key enforce uniqueness of the column on which they are defined. But by default, the primary key creates a clustered index on the column, whereas unique 

key creates a non-clustered index by default. Another major difference is that primary key doesn’t allow NULLs, but unique key allows one NULL only.

What are Primary Keys and Foreign Keys?

Primary keys are the unique identifiers for each row. They must contain unique values and cannot be null. Due to their importance in relational databases, Primary keys are the most fundamental aspect of all keys and constraints. A table can have only one primary key.

Foreign keys are a method of ensuring data integrity and manifestation of the relationship between tables.

What is a Trigger?

A trigger is a SQL procedure that initiates an action when an event (INSERT, DELETE or UPDATE) occurs.


create trigger tr_cgnUser on d

 for imnert,update,delete as

insert into tbl_cgnuser_log values(getdate())

Table variables are Transaction neutral. They are variables and thus aren't bound to a transaction.


Temp tables behave same as normal tables and are bound by transactions.


insert into @var2

select 1, 'data 1' union all

select 2, 'data 2' union all

select 3, 'data 3'

SELECT * INTO  #temp3 from SelfJoins

select * from #temp3

select * from @var2


select * from @var2

if object_id('tempdb..#temp2') is null

    select '#temp does not exist outside the transaction




Query Optimization:


1.Both are combined as SSMS(Sql Server management Studio).

2.XML datatype is introduced.

3.We can create 2(pow(20))-1 databases.

4.Exception Handling

5.Varchar(Max) data type

6.DDL Triggers

7.DataBase Mirroring

8.RowNumber function for paging

9.Table fragmentation

10.Full Text Search

11.Bulk Copy Update

12.Cant encrypt

13.Can Compress tables and indexes.(Introduced in 2005 SP2)

14.Datetime is used for both date and time.

15.Varchar(max) and varbinary(max) is used.

16.No table datatype is included.

17.SSIS is started using.

18.CMS is not available.

19.PBM is not available.


1.Both are combined as SSMS(Sql Server management Studio).

2.XML datatype is used.

3.We can create 2(pow(20))-1 databases.

4.Exception Handling

5.Varchar(Max) data type

6.DDL Triggers

7.DataBase Mirroring

8.RowNumber function for paging

9.Table fragmentation

10.Full Text Search

11.Bulk Copy Update

12.Can encrypt the entire database introduced in 2008.

--check it(http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc278098(SQL.100).aspx)





13.Can compress tables and indexes.


14.Date and time are seperately used for date and time datatype,geospatial and timestamp with internal timezone 

is used.

15.Varchar(max) and varbinary(max) is used.

16.Table datatype introduced.

17.SSIS avails in this version.

18.Central Management Server(CMS) is Introduced.



19.Policy based management(PBM) server is Introduced.





  SELECT @MapperId  = MapperId,  

      @FieldName = FieldName,  

      @FieldValue = FieldValue  

  FROM   OPENXML (@hDoc, 'TMIntegrationEAI/LastKey', 2)                                 



      MapperId INT  

      ,FieldName VARCHAR(50)           

      ,FieldValue VARCHAR(255)  



-- Select the EntityMapping node













PurchaseOrderNum = [XMLDOC].[PurchaseOrderNum],

PODate = [XMLDOC].[PODate],

CarrierSCAC = [XMLDOC].[CarrierSCAC],

VendorNumber = [XMLDOC].[VendorNumber],

SourceSystem = [XMLDOC].[SourceSystem],

VendorMaterialNumber = [XMLDOC].[VendorMaterialNumber],

LoadNumber = [XMLDOC].[LoadNumber],

RequirementTrackingNumber = [XMLDOC].[RequirementTrackingNumber],

UserId = [XMLDOC].[UserId],

isValid =                   [XMLDOC].[isValid]      

FROM  OPENXML (@hDoc, 'DocumentRoot/Parameters', 2)


[PurchaseOrderNum] Varchar(10),

[PODate] DateTime,

[CarrierSCAC] Varchar(80),

[VendorNumber] Varchar(16),

[SourceSystem] Char(3),

[VendorMaterialNumber] Varchar(35),

[LoadNumber] Varchar(50),

[RequirementTrackingNumber] Varchar(50),

[UserId] Varchar(50),

[isValid]                   BIT

) XmlDoc

datetime2 wins in most aspects except (old apps Compatibility)

SQL Date and time data types compare - datetime,datetime2,date,TIME

ROW_NUMBER() Function with Partition By clause

If we want to add row number to each group, and it is reset for every group, let's take a look at the Employe table


The following is the OUTPUT of above query

Rank() Function

This function will assign a unique value to each distinct Row, but it leaves a group between the groups.


The following is the OUTPUT of the above query.


Gap represents number of occurrence example - EmpName="atul" is repeated 3 times and has rank "1" , the next rank will be 1+3=4 and same with the next value.

Dense_Rank() Funcation

Dense_Rank() Funcation is similar to Rank with only difference, this will not leave gaps between groups.


The following is the OUTPUT of the above query:




Version of the Sql Server in which it is introduced?

Introduced in SQL SERVER 7.0. And as per BOL, Microsoft is suggesting to start using THROW statement instead of RAISERROR in New Applications.

Introduced in SQL SERVER 2012. THROW statement seems to be simple and easy to use than RAISERROR.

RAISERROR can’t be used in the Sql Server 2014’s Natively compiled Stored Procedures.

THROW statement can be used in the Sql Server 2014’s Natively Compiled Stored Procedure.



 ( { error_number | message

        | @local_variable }

    { ,severity ,state }

    [ ,argument [ ,...n ] ] )

    [ WITH option [ ,...n ] ]


 [ { error_number

     | @local_variable },

   { message | @local_variable },

   { state | @local_variable } ]

[ ; ]

Can re-throw the original exception that invoked the CATCH block?

NO. It always generates new exception and results in the loss of the original exception details. Below example demonstrates this:


  DECLARE @result INT

--Generate divide-by-zero error

  SET @result = 55/0



--Get the details of the error

--that invoked the CATCH block


   @ErMessage NVARCHAR(2048),

   @ErSeverity INT,

   @ErState INT



   @ErMessage = ERROR_MESSAGE(),

   @ErSeverity = ERROR_SEVERITY(),

   @ErState = ERROR_STATE()


 RAISERROR (@ErMessage,


             @ErState )


YES. To Re-THROW the original exception caught in the TRY Block, we can just specify the THROW statement without any parameters in the CATCH block. Below example demonstrates this:


  DECLARE @result INT

--Generate divide-by-zero error

  SET @result = 55/0






Msg 50000, Level 16, State 1, Line 19

Divide by zero error encountered.

NOTE:The actual line number of the code which generated Divided By Zero error here is 4, but the exception message returned by RAISERROR is showiung it as 19. Also the error number corresponding to divide by zero error is 8134 in the SYS.Messages table, but the one returned by RAISERROR is 50000.


Msg 8134, Level 16, State 1, Line 4

Divide by zero error encountered.

With above example it is clear that THROW statement is very simple for RE-THROWING the exception. And also it returns correct error number and line numb

Difference between Sql Server Char and Varchar Data Type

CHAR Data Type is a Fixed Length Data Type. For example if you declare a variable/column of CHAR (10) data type, then it will always take 10 bytes irrespective of whether you are storing 1 character or 10 character in this variable or column. And in this example as we have declared this variable/column as CHAR(10), so we can store max 10 characters in this column.

On the other hand VARCHAR is a variable length Data Type. For example if you declare a variable/column of VARCHAR (10) data type, it will take the no. of bytes equal to the number of characters stored in this column. So, in this variable/column if you are storing only one character then it will take only one byte and if we are storing 10 characters then it will take 10 bytes. And in this example as we have declared this variable/column as VARCHAR (10), so we can store max 10 characters in this column.

Below table lists out the major difference between the VARCHAR and NVARCHAR Data Type in Sql Server:

Difference Between Sql Server VARCHAR and VARCHAR(MAX) Data Type

Basic Definition

 Storage Capacity



Non-Unicode Variable Length character data type.



Non-Unicode large Variable Length character data type.



         = 'BASAVARAJ'



         = 'BASAVARAJ'


It can store maximum 8000 Non-Unicode characters (i.e. maximum storage capacity is 8000 bytes of storage). Optional Parameter n value can be from 1 to 8000.

You can create index on Varchar column data type.


It can store maximum of 2 147 483 647 Non-Unicode characters (i.e. maximum storage capacity is: 2GB).

Index can’t be created on a Varchar(Max) data type columns.

CREATE TABLE dbo.Employee

(id INT identity(1,1)


 Name VARCHAR(50))



 ON dbo.Employee(Name)


Difference Between Temporary Table and Table Variable – Summary


Below is the sample example of Creating a Temporary Table, Inserting records into it, retrieving the rows from it and then finally dropping the created Temporary Table.

Below is the sample example of Declaring a Table Variable, Inserting records into it and retrieving the rows from it.

-- Create Temporary Table


(Id INT, Name VARCHAR(50))

--Insert Two records





--Reterive the records

SELECT * FROM #Customer

--DROP Temporary Table

DROP TABLE #Customer


-- Create Table Variable



 Id INT,

 Name VARCHAR(50)  


--Insert Two records





--Reterive the records

SELECT * FROM @Customer




Temporary Table structure can be changed after it’s creation it implies we can use DDL statements ALTER, CREATE, DROP.

Below script creates a Temporary Table #Customer, adds Address column to it and finally the Temporary Table is dropped.

Table Variables doesn’t support DDL statements like ALTER, CREATE, DROP etc, implies we can’t modify the structure of Table variable nor we can drop it explicitly.

--Create Temporary Table


(Id INT, Name VARCHAR(50))


--Add Address Column


ADD Address VARCHAR(400)


--DROP Temporary Table

DROP TABLE #Customer



One of the most common MYTH about Temporary Table & Table Variable is that: Temporary Tables are created in TempDB and Table Variables are created In-Memory. Fact is that both are created in TempDB, below Demos prove this reality.


Temporary Tables honor the explicit transactions defined by the user.

Table variables doesn’t participate in the explicit transactions defined by the user.


Temporary Tables are not allowed in User Defined Functions.

Table Variables can be used in User Defined Functions.


Temporary table supports adding Indexes explicitly after Temporary Table creation and it can also have the implicit Indexes which are the result of Primary and Unique Key constraint.

Table Variables doesn’t allow the explicit addition of Indexes after it’s declaration, the only means is the implicit indexes which are created as a result of the Primary Key or Unique Key constraint defined during Table Variable declaration.

A common table expression (CTE) can be thought of as a temporary result set that is defined within the execution scope of a single SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, or CREATE VIEW statement. A CTE is similar to a derived table in that it is not stored as an object and lasts only for the duration of the query. Unlike a derived table, a CTE can be self-referencing and can be referenced multiple times in the same query.

Remove Duplicate Rows from a Table

DELETEFROM MyDuplicateTable WHERE ID NOT IN(SELECT MAX(ID)FROM MyDuplicateTable GROUP BY DuplicateColumn1, DuplicateColumn2, DuplicateColumn3)