
  • Meta-Share project (website Here - 3 years eu project). Contributed to the recommender system.

  • TextPro (website Here - internal project), main developer together with colleagues.

Main contributions:

TokenPro,LemmaPro: English/Italian.

EntityPro: German

Main pipeline wrapper and architecture of TextPro, moving from Prolog to Java.

Collaborated contributions:

TagPro: English/Italian - improve linguistic and technical performance.

EntityPro: English/Italian - improve linguistic performance.

  • Excitement project (website here - 3 years eu project), contributed to the demos (Here one), also to the annotations tools and graphs to build the RTE3 dataset (including annotations tools, testing and evaluation of IAA).

  • Hlt-Distributor (internal project): is a programming project, which i built to distribute different kinds of software/data licences.

  • Trentour (6 months project - Trentorise, muse Mart and Province of Trento): A sentiment analysis system, which measure the sentiments of a certain text.

  • Toolisse ( 6 months project - Trentorise): A social media monitoring project aims to monitor the sentiment and named entities of micro texts like facebook posts or tweets, contributed to the architecture of the system, and the performance of the sentiment analysis.

  • NewsReader project (website Here - 3 years eu project), main contributor to the Italian Linguistic pipeline, to the infrastructure of the populators using multi-threading, Hadoop, HBase technologies in cluster mode.

  • UMC (Understanding multimedia content, internal project), analysis of soccer games videos for events and relations extraction, working on the textual linguistic side, named entities, event/event relation extraction, ontology population to the knowledge base, inferring events/actions.

  • SemTirol ( 6 months project - Eurac, Euregio and Province of Bolzano): A tool to recognise Named Entities for German on the SouthTirol area.

  • EuClip ( 3 years project - Eurac, Euregio and Province of Bolzano): A Project to reduce the gap between technology and real life learning, by applying an active learning system to reduce the effort of learning Named Entities for German.

  • Active-learn (internal project): an internal research interest to build a system for active learning aims for reaching the same performance of a linguistic system using less resources. The platform is built for multi-tasks: POS, Named Entities, Event Recognition , etc...

  • TranscRater (website here - internal project) working on open-source platform for measuring the word error rate of an automatic voice trascriptor, contributed to the architecture and demos of the system.