Research projects
RAstaNEWS "Macro-Risk Assessment and Stabilization Policies with New Early Warning Signals", funded by EU FP7.
"Il sistema del credito e il ruolo dei confidi nelle Marche", funded by Regione Marche, 2010-2011. The final report in available here.
"Il sistema del credito nella provincia di Firenze - Rapporto 2011", funded by IRPET. The final report is available here.
"The new geography of the Italian financial system: markets, intermediaries and development" National Research Project (PRIN Nr. 2006130584), funded by MIUR (Ministero dell'UniversitĂ e della Ricerca), 2006-2008.
National Coordinator: Pietro Alessandrini
"Bank-firm relationship and local development", funded by Banca Popolare di Ancona, 2007-2009.
Coordinator: Alberto Zazzaro
"The role of cooperative banks in the bank-firm relationship", funded by Associazione Nazionale fra le Banche Popolari, 2008.
Coordinator: Pietro Alessandrini