Call for Papers

Announcement: The submission deadline has been extended to 14 July. 

Potential contributors are requested to submit only the abstracts as soon as possible, via the submission platform.

MoDeVVa 2024

Co-located with MODELS 2024

21st Workshop on Model Driven Engineering, Verification and Validation

Linz, Austria

Between September 22nd-24th 2024 (Final date yet to be decided)

Models are purposeful abstractions of systems and their environments. They can be used to understand, simulate, and validate complex systems at different abstraction levels. Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) is the predominant paradigm used in many industries to capture system requirements, design, analysis and support verification and validation activities throughout the life cycle of complex systems. In the software industry, Model-Driven Engineering (MDE) is a development methodology that is based on models, metamodels, and model transformations. The shift from code-centric software development to model-centric software development in MDE opens up promising opportunities for the verification and validation (V&V) of software. On the other hand, the growing complexity of models and model transformations requires efficient V&V techniques in the context of MBSE and MDE.

The workshop on Model Driven Engineering, Verification and Validation (MoDeVVa) offers a forum for researchers and practitioners who are working on V&V, MBSE and MDE. The main goals of the workshop are to identify, investigate, and discuss emerging research in the mutual impacts of model-based engineering and V&V. The major questions of interest in MoDeVVa revolve around the possible overlaps and mutual benefits of MDE and V&V: How can MDE improve V&V? How can V&V increase the reliability of MDE?

Topics of interest

We welcome contributions in all areas at the intersection of MBSE/MDE and V&V. Papers addressing the following topics are particularly welcome:

MDE in V&V, Certification and Quality Assurance

Tools, usability, and applications

AI-related topics for V&V activities

Submissions and Publication

The proceedings will be published by ACM. The length limitation for short papers is five (5) pages including references, and for full papers ten (10) pages including references. The papers should follow the same formatting instructions used for the MODELS main track, available here for both LaTeX and Word users. MoDEVVa will use a single-blind/single-anonymous review process.

Papers should be submitted via EasyChair at

Special Issue

We are pleased to announce that the best papers from MoDEVVa and the SAM Conference will be invited to submit extended versions jointly published in a special issue of Innovations in Systems and Software Engineering: a NASA Journal (ISSE) published by Springer Nature !!

Submission Terms and Conditions

Workshop Format

MoDeVVa 2024 will include an opening keynote, paper presentations and the last session of the day will be dedicated to discussions on the topics presented with the goal of identifying common themes, interesting problems and shared interests and hopefully propose avenues for future research. We anticipate an enjoyable and exciting event where all participants will leave with answers or well-founded doubts on MDE and V&V.

Important Dates

Organizing Committee (e-mail: