Contact Us

Seungho Cho

Tel: +82-52-217-2320

Fax: +82-52-217-2909



Engineering Building 1 (102), office : 701-3 

Department of Materials Science and Engineering

Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST)

50 UNIST-gil, Eonynag-eup, Ulju-gun

Ulsan, 44919, Republic of Korea

Job Openings

Our research group is currently inviting applications for postdoctoral, graduate, and undergraduate positions. If you are motivated to contribute to cutting-edge research in the fields of materials science and engineering and chemical engineering, we encourage you to consider joining our team.

Postdoctoral Research Position:

We are actively seeking applications for a postdoctoral research position. Candidates with backgrounds in materials science and engineering, chemical engineering, or chemistry are particularly welcome. To apply, please email the following information to Seungho Cho:

1) CV, including contact information for two references.

2) Cover letter with a brief summary of the research area(s) you wish to explore within our group.

Graduate Students:

Enthusiastic graduate students are welcomed to apply. Prior acceptance into the UNIST graduate program is a prerequisite. Individuals with backgrounds in Materials Science and Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Energy Engineering, or Chemistry are eligible to work in our group. Indicate your interest in studying with Seungho Cho on your application.

Undergraduate Students:

UNIST undergraduate students are encouraged to participate in our group's research. If you are interested, please get in touch with Seungho Cho for further details.

For all inquiries and applications, please contact Seungho Cho. We look forward to welcoming motivated individuals to contribute to our research endeavors.