Frequently Asked Questions for iOS Version
1. How to add and/or edit a portfolio?
On the app home page, click Edit button and then click Edit Portfolio button on the navigation bar to delete a portfolio or change order of portfolios. Select a portfolio to edit name, currency and cash. Click + icon to add a new portfolio. Enter a new portfolio name and click Save button to save your changes.
2. How to add a stock with cost and share information?
On the app home page, click + icon to add a stock with cost and share information.
3. How to edit a stock with cost and share information?
On the app home page, click edit icon at the home page. Select a portfolio. Click Edit at the top bar to delete a stock or change stock order. Select a stock and then select a stock transaction to update the cost and share information.
4. Does the app support Pink Sheet stocks?
Yes, please add suffix .PK to the stock symbol.
5. How to read Business News?
Click the RSS feed icon . There are news from different news sources. Swipe the screen to see the next news section.
6. How to see portfolio details?
On the app home page, click menu button at the top of the Navigation bar on the left and select Portfolio Table. Please rotate the phone to landscape to have a better view.
7. How to check the information for each stock?
Click the stock row. You can check the individual stock performance. You can click the buttons at the bottom to get chart, options, historic price and more information. Swipe the screen to see the next stock in the portfolio.
8. How to see Markets, Futures and Currency section?
On the app home page, click the icons at the bottom of the app home screen.
9. Does the app supports the stocks from other countries?
Yes, Please add the following suffix to the stock symbol.
New Zealand:.NZ
Hong Kong:.HK
South Korea:.KS