Publications in JCR-indexed journals
Whitman K., Egeland R., Richardson I., Allison C., Quinn P., Barzilla J., Kitiashvili I., Sadykov V., Bain H., Dierckxsens M., Mays L., Tadesse T., Lee K., Semones E., Luhmann J., Núñez M. and 110 more authors (2022), Review of solar energetic particle models, Advances in Space Research, doi: 10.1016/j.asr.2022.08.006. []
Núñez M. (2022), Evaluation of the UMASEP-10 version 2 tool for predicting all >10 MeV SEP events of solar cycles 22, 23 and 24, Universe, 8(1), 35, doi: 10.3390/universe8010035. []
Núñez M. and Paul-Peña D. (2020), Predicting >10 MeV SEP events from solar flare and radio burst data, Universe, 6 (10), 161, doi: 10.3390/universe6100161. []
Dos Santos L.F., A. Narock, T. Nieves-Chinchilla, M. Núñez and M. Kirk (2020). Identifying flux rope signatures using a Deep Neural Network, Solar Physics, 295, 131(2020), doi: 10.1007/s11207-020-01697.x. [].
Núñez M., T. Nieves-Chinchilla and A. Pulkkinen (2019). Predicting well-connected SEP events from observations of solar EUVs and energetic protons. J. Space Weather Space Clim.,9, A27, doi: 10.1051/swsc/2019025. [].
Verbeke C., L. Mays, M. Temmer, S. Bingham, R. Steenburgh, M. Dumbovic, M.Núñez, L. Jian, P. Hess, A. Taktakishvili and J. Andries (2019), Benchmarking CME Arrival Time and Impact: Progress on Metadata, Metrics, and Events, Space Weather, 17, SWE20800, doi:10.1029/2018SW002046. []..
Núñez M. (2018), Predicting well-connected SEP events from observations of solar soft X-rays and near-relativistic electrons, J. Space Weather Space Climate, 8, A36, doi: 10.1051/swsc/2018023. [].
Riley P., Mays L., Andries J., Amerstorfer T., Delouille V., Dumbovic M., Feng X., Linker J.A., Möstl C., Núñez M., Temmer M., Tobiska W.K., Verbeke C. and Zhao X. (2018), Forecasting the Arrival Time of Coronal Mass Ejections: Analysis of the CCMC CME Scoreboard, Space Weather, 16, doi: 10.1029/2018SW001962. []..
Núñez M., P. J. Reyes-Santiago and O. E. Malandraki (2017), Real-time prediction of the occurrence of GLE events, Space Weather, 15, 7, pp 861-873, [].
Zucca P., M. Núñez and K. Klein (2017), Exploring the potential of microwave diagnostics in SEP forecasting: The occurrence of SEP events, Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate, vol. 7, A13, 2017. [].
Núñez M., T. Nieves-Chinchilla, and A. Pulkkinen (2016), Prediction of Shock Arrival Times from CME and Flare Data, Space Weather, 14, 8, 2016, [].
García-Rigo A., M. Núñez, R. Qahwaji, O. W. Ashamari, M. Hernández-Pajares, P. Jiggens, A. Hilgers, G. Pérez (2016), Prediction and Warning system of SEP events and Solar Flares for Risk Estimation in Space Launch Operations, Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate, 6 (2016) A28, doi: [].
Núñez M. (2015), Real-time prediction of the occurrence and intensity of the first hours of > 100 MeV solar energetic proton events, Space Weather, 13, 11, See Space Weather Quarterly (the cover headline is about this model; paper's full text is in pages 22-34). [].
Tsagouri I., A. Belehaki, N. Bergeot, C. Cid, M. Núñez, et al. (2013), Progress in space weather modeling in an operational environment, J. Space Weather Space Climate, 3, A17, 2013, doi:10.1051/swsc/2013037. [].
Núñez M. (2011), Predicting solar energetic proton events (E > 10 MeV), Space Weather, 9, S07003, doi:10.1029/2010SW000640. []
Fidalgo-Merino R., Núñez, M. (2011), Self-Adaptive Induction of Regression Trees, in IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 33, 8, pp.1659-1672, Aug. 2011, doi: 10.1109/TPAMI.2011.19. []..
Nuñez M., R. Fidalgo-Merino, R.Morales, (2007), Learning in Environments with Unknown Dynamics: Towards more Robust Concept Learners, Journal of Machine Learning Research, 8, (2007) 2595-2628, pp 2595 - 2628. []..
Núñez M., R. Fidalgo, M. Baena, R.Morales, (2005), The influence of active region information in the prediction of solar flares: an empirical model using Data Mining, Annales Geophysicae, 23, 9, pp 3129 - 3138, doi: 10.5194/angeo-23-3129-2005. []..
Núñez M., R. Fidalgo, R.Morales (2005), On-Line Learning of Decision Trees in Problems with Unknown Dynamics, Lecture Notes in Computer Sciences (Proceedings of MICAI-2005), vol 3789, doi 10.1007/11579427_4, Springer, pp 443-4533789, pp 443 - 453. []
Núñez M., R.Morales, F.Triguero (2002), Automatic Discovery of Rules for Predicting Network Management Events, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications Special Issue: Recent Advances in Fundamentals of Network Management, 20, 4, doi: 10.1109/JSAC.2002.1003040. []..
Núñez M. (2000), Learning Patterns of Behavior by Observing System Events, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2000, Volume 1810/2000, 323-330, doi: 10.1007/3-540-45164-1_34. []
Núñez M. (1991), The Use of Background Knowledge in Decision Tree Induction, Machine Learning, Vol 6, 3, doi: 10.1007/BF00114778, Pags: 231-250. []..
Selected conference papers and book chapters
Mertens C., Gronoff G., Phoenix D., Zheng Y., and Núñez M., Forecasting SEP Atmospheric and Space Radiation Using UMASEP and NAIRAS Models, AGU Fall 2024, Washington, D.C., 9-13 December 2024.
Whitman K., Núñez M. and Corti C., SEP Forecasting from the Lunar Gateway, European Space Weather Week (ESWW2023, Toulouse (France), November 20-24, 2023.
Bain H., Núñez M., Whitman K, Mays L., Didigu C., Moreland M., Validation of the UMASEP Solar Radiation Storm Model in the Space Weather Proving Ground, European Space Weather Week (ESWW2023, Toulouse (France), November 20-24, 2023.
Malandraki O., Heber, B., Kuehl, P., Núñez, M., Posner, A., Karavolos, M., and Milas, N. (2020) Solar Particle Radiation Storms Forecasting and Analysis - The HESPERIA tools , EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-8298,
Núñez M., P. J. Reyes-Santiago and O. E. Malandraki (2018), Prediction of Ground Level Enhancements, in Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, Volume 13, Issue S335, Cambridge University Press, pp 300-302, doi:10.1017/S174392131700713X. ]
Núñez M., Fidalgo-Merino R. and Morales R. (2018), An Event-Based Predictive Modelling Approach: an Application in Macroeconomics, in Proceedings of the 2018 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC2018), Miyazaki, Japan, doi:10.1109/SMC.2018.00206 []
Núñez M., K.-L. Klein, B. Heber, O. E. Malandraki, P. Zucca, J. Labrens, P. Reyes, P. Kuehl and E. Pavlos (2018), HESPERIA forecasting tools: Real-time and post-event, in Solar Particle Radiation Storms Forecasting and Analysis, DOI:, Springer International Publishing AG, Berlin, Germany. \r
Malandraki O. K.-L. Klein, R. Vainio, N. Agueda, M. Nuñez, et al. (2015), High Energy Solar Particle Events foRecastIng and Analysis: The HESPERIA Project’. In: Proceedings of the 34th International Cosmic Ray Conference, PoS (ICRC2015), 2015.
Núñez M. (2009), Distributed Data Mining for Learning Predictive Knowledge, in Proceedings of EELA-2 (E-science grid facility for Europe and Latin America) ISBN 978-84-7834-600-4, CIEMAT editorial.
Núñez M. (2008), A model for predicting the hourly mean Bz magnitude near solar minima, 37th COSPAR Scientific Assembly. Held 13-20 July 2008, Paper number: D24-0048-08, Montréal, Canada., p.2251
Núñez M., R Fidalgo, R Morales (2006), On forecasting the onset of solar proton events, Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, Volume 2, Issue S233, doi 10.1017/S1743921306001529, 81-82. ]
Núñez M., R Morales (2004), Incorporating prediction facilities to autonomous systems, Proceedings of the Third International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS '04), Vol. 3, Pages 1224-1225, doi: 10.1109/AAMAS.2004.10296, 2004. []
Alcaraz F., M. Núñez, A. Hernández, J.L. Blázquez (1992), Two real-time expert systems for the monitoring and maintenance of digital exchanges, Proceedings of the Fourth IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering (SEKE), Capri, Italy, DOI: 10.1109/SEKE.1992.227967 \b
Núñez M., Alcaraz F. A. Hernández, J.L. Blázquez, R. Llorente (1991), UFMAXE an expert system for the diagnostic of AXE telephone exchanges, Proceedings of the World Congress on Expert Systems (isbn 060804556X, 9780608045566), Pergamon Press, WCES-91, Orlando, USA, pp 2222-2230. \b
Núñez M. (1990), Decision tree induction using domain knowledge, European Knowledge Acquisition Workshop (EKAW), published in Current Trends in Knowledge Acquisition, IOS Press, ISBN: 978-90-5199-036-2, pp. 276-288. [\b
Núñez M. (1988). Economic induction: A case study. Proceedings of the Third European Working Session on Learning, EWSL-88, Glasgow, 3-5 October 1988, eds. D. Sleeman, ISBN-10: 0273088009, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, pp. 139-145.
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