
Research interests

In general, my research interests include

Statistical Theory and Methods: 


Some current projects:

Statistical inference with intractable likelihood: The likelihood function is the cornerstone in statistical inference. However, in many modern statistical applications, the likelihood function is either analytically or computationally intractable. This makes it challenging to carry out likelihood-based inference using popular methodologies such as Variational Bayes, Importance Sampling, Markov chain Monte Carlo and Sequential Monte Carlo methods, which require exact evaluations of the likelihood function at each parameter value. This research project focuses on developing efficient methods for doing statistical inference with intractable likelihood.

Enabling Bayesian inference for big and high-dimensional data: Recent advances in technology have produced increasingly large volumes of data. Data are big in terms of both the number of observations (tall data) and the number of observed variables (high-dimensional data). This leads to many research opportunities as well as challenges in statistical inference, in particular simulation-based Bayesian inference. This research project attempts to enable Bayesian inference for Big Data and Big Models. In particular, it focuses on subsampling-based Markov chain Monte Carlo and Hamiltonian Monte Carlo for tall data, and Variational Bayes estimation methods for extremely high-dimensional data.

Deep learning based time series modeling and financial forecasting: This ARC-funded project pursues breakthroughs in modelling time effects which help reveal the hidden underlying structure in time series data, with a focus on flexible modelling of financial time series data.  The methodologies developed will lead to a greater accuracy in financial forecasting and risk management, and open up new horizons for the wider scientific community to analyse their time series data 

Cognitive science: flexible models and methods for cognitive model-based decision-making. This ARC-funded project aims to apply mathematical decision models to important questions of basic and applied science. Advances will be pursued through an interdisciplinary effort, combining recent developments in econometric and statistical methods, cognitive science and computing. The expected outcomes will bring a proven and powerful approach to a new range of questions investigating psychological aspects of choices about health care and consumer purchases. This project will provide significant benefits to the wider scientific community to understand basic cognition, and human behaviour in many domains.

Research grants


A full list of my publications can be found on ResearchGate or Google Scholar. Most of the computer code used in my papers can be found at 


Statistical methodologies and theory

Cognitive science, experimental psychology, consumer behaviour

Financial econometrics, economic statistics 

Unpublished papers

PhD thesis

Some perspectives on the problem of model selection, National University of Singapore, defended on November 9, 2011. [pdf] [slides]

My group

Master/Interns/Honours Students

PhD thesis examiner for