Purposeful Movement to Enhance Learning



God created our bodies with amazing sensory systems. Movement is necessary to aid in the development of these systems which are integrally linked with a child’s ability to handle academic learning. This sectional will focus on the sharing of purposeful movement options to help our students learn including some S.M.A.R.T. circuits (actg.org) and related activities. We will practice some reflex related exercises and learn of some vision activities that would help each student. You will leave the session with some ready to use activities.


Karen Grunwald

Karen Grunwald teaches grades 5 & 6 at St. Paul’s Lutheran School in New Ulm, MN. For the past six years she has read, studied, attended workshops, and visited schools and therapy sessions to learn how to bring more movement into her classroom for her students’ benefit. She hopes to host her after-school HOPE(Hosted Opportunities for Purposeful Enrichment) time again following the COVID break year. “Movement on the Go” activities will help everyone include purposeful movement in your own classroom.