Next Generation Student Scientists



Learning the science standards has never been more fun than this. With a few surprises and exciting twists to your curriculum, Adam will show you ways to make science come alive in your classroom. This hands-on session will have you and your staff working together to solve problems in ways that can be adapted for even the youngest of learners!


Adam Peterson

Adam Peterson is an award-winning educator from Illinois and an internationally recognized speaker. After spending more than a decade as a kindergarten teacher, Adam now uses his knowledge and talents to inspire, educate, and motivate other teachers to create classrooms that encourage creativity, play, and hands-on learning. Adam was a speaker at TEDx Normal 2019 and is the author of the best-selling book Teach, Play, Learn: How To Create A Purpose, Play-Driven Classroom. Besides speaking, writing, and working with teachers, Adam also runs his own early learning program servicing children ages 3-5. For more information on where to see Adam speak, or to book him for your own school, visit his website