

  • August 4 - November 26, 2012 Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Sydney, Australia.

  • July 24, 2012 Habilitation in Mathematics, IMAR, Romania.

  • October 29, 2010 Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics, Central European University, Budapest, Hungary.

  • January 15, 2007 Ph.D. in Mathematics, University of Craiova, Romania.

  • 2003 M.Sc. in Applied Mathematics, University of Craiova, Romania.

  • 2001 B.Sc. in Mathematics, University of Craiova, Romania.

  • 1996-1997 Freshman, INSA, Lyon, France.

  • 1996 High School Graduate, "Nicolae Balcescu" High School (at present, "Carol I" National College), Craiova, Romania.

Main directions of research

· Partial Differential Equations

· Calculus of Variations

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