
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain

    • 2021/2022. Game Theory, 3rd BA

Apuntes Tema 1

Lista de ejercicios 1

    • 2020/2021. Game Theory, 3rd BA

            • Introduction to Economics, 1st BA

    • 2019/2020. Game Theory, 3rd BA

            • Mathematics I, 1st BA

    • 2018/2019. Game Theory, 3rd BA

            • Introduction to Economics, 1st BA

    • 2017/2018. Game Theory, 3rd BA

            • Introduction to Economics, 1st BA

    • 2016/2017. Game Theory, 3rd BA

Universitat de Girona, Spain

    • 2016. Public Economy, 3rd BA

    • 2016. Instruments of Applied Economics, 1st BA

Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Spain

    • 2015, 2014, 2013. Evaluation and Planification of Public Policies, 3rd BA

Gzhel State Industrial Institute, Russia

    • 2010. Management Information systems, lecturer, 3rd BA