2023. Mathematics for physicists - 2 

Syllabus, very preliminary  (as decided by the physics teacher):

    ++ 1. Topology on a space, categories; topology as a category 
    ++ 2. Presheaf as a functor from the category of open sets into the category of vector spaces (rings, etc)
    ++ 3. Sheaves: gluing axiom 

     4. Affine schemes, Zariski topology, sheaf of regular functions 𝒪_X.  Example: plane affine curve
    5. Complex analytic manifolds. 

    ++ 6. Tangent sheaf, examples. (Analytic and algebraic categories)

     7. Deformation of a complex structure and sheaf deformations. Case of affine curves (analytic category)

     8. ++ Čech cohomology.

     9.  Deformations and 1-Čech cohomology of the tangent sheaf (algebraic ana analytic categories).

     10. Transcendental approach – operator of almost complex structure,  integrability of almost complex structures.

     11-12. Generalized Beltrami differentials, and Kodaira–Spencer map.

    13. Dolbeault cohomology, comparing with Čech cohomology.




1. Class 1:   2023.10.17: Topology; some commutative algebra; Zariski topology (PDF)

2. additional file:  Ideals and rings - 2 (PDF)

3. Classes 2-3: 2023.10.18: Categories;  Commutative Algebra; and  Geometry

all the material on the "equivalence of categories" (pages 6 - 9 1/2) you can safely skip

Some references

Algebraic geometry:

Miles Reid, Undergraduate algebraic geometry, paragraph 1; Appendix to Chapter 1; paragraphs 3-4, paragraph 6

Complex analytic geometry:

Herbert Clemens, A scrapbook of complex curve theory, 2.8 (differential on a cubic curve), 2.9 (beginning) (periods of a cubic curve), 2;10* (Remarks on Serre duality) , 4.1*-4.3* (exponential sequence and Jacobian; first Chern class)

("star" means "additional material, somewhat more difficult" 

De Rham cohomology:

Bott and Tu, "Differential forms in algebraic topology",  I.1 : de Rham complex (ignore the "compact support case", 1.2* (starred) Mayer-Vietoris sequence, 

Sheaves and Čech cohomology:

Bott and Tu,  II.10 pages 108-113


Wells,  Differential Analysis on Complex Manifolds, (3rd edition), pages 36-41 (sheaves on complex analytic manifolds), pages 63-64: Čech cohomology