Chartered on 01/01/1928 by the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts, Matthew John Whittall Lodge A.F. & A.M., is a Masonic Lodge serving the community and surrounding area of Shrewsbury, MA, USA.  We are a fraternity, or brotherhood, working together to contribute to our community by making good men better.  Regular meetings are on the second Thursday of each month, at 7:30 pm.  

The best way to know more is to ASK

To learn more, contact us by email

Located at

353 Boston Turnpike

Shrewsbury, MA 01545

(508) 925-4253

 - The Brothers of Matthew John Whittall Lodge

Visit our Facebook page for current announcements and events!

Matthew John Whittall Facebook

Want to know more about The Putnam Place and it's connection with Matthew John Whittall Lodge? Seek the answer on our FB page or ask us!