Are you content watching the effective attempts of the god of this world at keeping those from seeing the light? Would you like to be a light in the world with your motorcycle? Would you like to enjoy riding with other Christians? Are you hearing God calling you to do His Will, but aren't sure how to go about it? Would you like to be more involved on a local level with sharing the Good News? If any of this resonates with you, we would love to have you join our T.E.A.M. MJM (Motorcyclists for Jesus Ministries) and MJM Calvary Riders (a team of MJM) is a great place to invest in your eternal home, support in local outreach; a way to witness to and connect with fellow motorcyclists and the general public alike.
For more information, feel free to join us at our monthly breakfast on the 4th Saturday of the month at 8am or Contact Us and we will be more than happy to assist!