Privacy Policy

The developer has provided following information about how this app (Wireguard-Toggle) collects, shares, and handles your data.

Data savety

The developer assures that this app does not collect or share any kind of data: neither user data, location data nor any other data.

No data shared with third parties

The developer assures that this app does not share any kind of data with other companies or organizations: neither user data nor location data nor any other data.

No data collected

The developer assures that this app does not collect any kind of data: neither user data nor location data nor any other data.

App Permissions

The main functionality of the app is switching a VPN connecteon of the WireGuard App UP and DOWN depending of the currently active WiFi. This is done by a background service. Because of this the App needs reading the WiFi Name (SSID) out of the background. Reading the WiFi Name (SSID) from a background task is only possible when the user permits "Fine Location - all the time". 

As mentioned above, the location data is never collected on the device nor shared with the developer or any other third parties.

Learn more about app privacy & security practices