This bibliography collects and organizes published English-language scholarship on Hayao Miyazaki or any other Studio Ghibli director, or on their works taken either collectively or individually. The materials included address this topic either entirely, to a significant extent (i.e., a chapter within a book), or comparatively to one or more other films or individuals. It covers a variety of sources, including books, chapters in edited collections, and articles in scholarly/peer reviewed journals and professional magazines. Items in newspapers or general-interest magazines are not included.
The list is assembled based on materials indexed in the Online Bibliography of Anime and Manga Studies, and on suggestions from contributors to the Anime and Manga Research Circle Mailing List. Wherever possible, each entry was examined directly to make sure that it is appropriate for inclusion in the bibliography.
The individual entries are grouped into three categories: Books that discuss Miyazaki either exclusively or extensively; book chapters and journal articles that focus on Studio Ghibli and Miyazaki generally, or that discuss more than one film at a time; and specific studies of individual films, including comparative readings.
Since this is an initial bibliography, no annotation is included beyond an APA-style citation for each entry, and where available, an author-supplied abstract. Hyperlinks are provided for all of the included articles that are available online, whether in a subscription-based journal, or in an open access publication.