
アンドロイドアプリ Kyuuri (Cucumber card game)

Android application Kyuuri (Cucumber card game) (English part follows Japanese part below)


キュウリ (Cucumber) はシンプルながら考えどころもある、2分から10分で遊べる手軽なトリックテイクゲームです。

ゲームルールの出典は David Parlett "The Penguin Encyclopedia of Card Games"で、欧州で広く楽しまれているゲームのようです。



始めは黒く表示され選べない動物アイコンもありますが、選べる右端の動物を対戦者に含めてゲームに勝つと、その隣の動物アイコンが選べるようになります。。動物アイコンを画面なかほど半透明の白い人型で表されている6つ対戦者の場所にドラッグしてください。同じ動物を複数の場所にドラッグすることもできます。ゲームが開始できる数の相手が選ばれると、ちゃぶ台のSTART GAMEボタンがクリック可能になります。ゲームスピードは”遅”、”中”、”速”の3種類から選べてゲーム中のアニメーションの時間が変わります。

好きな対戦相手が選べたらSTART GAMEボタンをクリックしてゲームを開始してください。





  • トリックのリーダーはトリックの始めに任意の手札を場に出します。(最初のトリックのリーダーはアプリによってランダムに決められます。)

  • 後続のプレーヤーは次の二つの条件のいずれかに合う手札を場に出します。

  1. これまでに場に出された最も高いランク以上のカード

  2. 手札の中で最もランクの低いカード

  • 最も高いランクのカードを出したプレーヤー(最高ランクが複数枚出された場合は最後に最高ランクのカードを出したプレーヤー)がトリックを取り(勝ち)、次のトリックのリーダーになります。

  • 最終(6回目)のトリックを取って(勝って)しまったプレーヤには、カードのランクと同じ点数(Aは14点)が、罰点として付けられます。

  • 最終トリックに複数枚の最高ランクのカードが出された場合には、出したすべてのプレーヤーに罰点が付けられます。

  • 罰点の合計が30以上になったプレーヤーは、ゲームから脱落し(キュウリ=Cucumberになる)、以後ゲームに参加しません。

  • 最終トリック終了後、52枚のトランプからふたたび6枚が各プレーヤーに配られ新たなトリックが開始されます。

  • プレーヤーが二人以下になったらゲームは終了し、罰点の合計が小さいプレーヤーがゲームに勝利します。


















(English description)


Kyuuri (Cucumber in Japanese) is a quick trick game may played as lightly or seriously as you wish. Nominal game play requires 2 minutes to 10 minutes depending on configuration.

Game rule refers to "Cucumber" section of The Penguin Encyclopedia of Card Games but slightly modified for solo play video game.


Application starts with opponent selection scene.

During initial plays after installation, some of animal icons are not available but they become available when you win a game with available right most animal as opponent. Drag animal icon to one of six open (half transparent white) opponent positions below. You can assign same animal to multiple positions. When enough number of opponent position are filled, START GAME button on the center of table becomes active. You can choose game speed (speed of animations during game) from Slow, Mid and Fast.

Click START GAME when you have assigned animal opponents as you wish.

Succeeding screen is game scene. Your cards and score are displayed at bottom of the scene. Icons of opponents and their scores are displayed on upper part of the scene. In middle of the scene, cards played for the current trick (large cards) and cards played at past tricks (small cards) are displayed for each of players.

Kyuuri game rule:

6 cards from a set of 52 cards pack are dealt to each player. Players play a card at each trick to take or not to take trick. The goal is not to take last (6th) trick.

Cards rank upward 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, J (11), Q (12), K (13), A (1) regardless of their suit.

    • Leader plays any card (the initial leader is determined by application randomly).

    • Succeeding player must play a card which is either:

    1. Equal to or higher than the previous card played

    2. The lowest in hand

  • Whoever plays the highest or the last played of equally highest cards leads to the next trick.

  • Winner of the last (6th) trick records penalty points equal to face value, counting A=14, K=13, Q=12, J=11, numerals as marked.

  • Anyone else played highest rank to last trick also records penalty points.

  • Player reaching 30 penalty points is Kyuuri (Cucumber) and drops out of play.

  • After the last trick, 6 cards from 52 cards pack are newly dealt to player to continue.

  • Game continues until two or less players are left and player with lowest score wins the game.

Unplayable cards in your hand at the current trick are colored gray and you cannot choose them. If you don't touch screen for certain amount of time, help text is displayed to urge your play. If you tough help text you can read game rules.

A kyuuri (cucumber) animation is played to player(s) who won the last trick.

Color of score changes as score increases. Smoke animation is played to those having score close to 30.

Player drops out of the game if its penalty points reach to 30.

Opponent Players

・Kaeru (Frog)

Random walker.

・Namazu (Cat fish)

May keep a strong card to play later.

・Inu (Dog)

Tries to keep a week card for the last trick.

・Tora (Tiger)

Eager to win tricks.

・Fukurou (Owl)

Tries to avoid strong card at the last trick.

・Zou (Elephant)

Plays based on collected game data.