

Wahman, Michael. 2023. Controlling Territory, Controlling Voters: The Electoral Geography of African Campaign Violence. Oxford: Oxford University Press. (Purchase here)

-Podcast available on Governance Uncovered 

- Reviewed by Adrianne Lebas, Natalie Letsa, Megan Turnbull, and Nicolas van de Walle 

Bech Seeberg, Merete, Michael Wahman, and Svend-Erik Skaaning (Eds.). 2018. Violence and Candidate Nomination in Africa. London: Routledge.  

    - Blogged about project on the Monkey Cage

Patel, Nandini and Michael Wahman (Eds.). 2015. The Malawi 2014 Tripartite Elections- Is Democracy Maturing? Lilongwe: National Initiative for Civic Education. (link)

- Blogged about book on Democracy in Africa 

 Journal Articles 

Wahman, Michael. 2024. How Strategic Violence Distorts African Elections. Journal of Democracy, 35(2): 108-121. (link

Siachiwena, Hangala and Michael Wahman. Forthcoming. "The Political Economy of Urban Party Switching in African Elections: The Case of Zambia." Journal of Modern African Studies, Pages: TBA. (link)

Kerr, Nicholas, Brigette King, and Michael Wahman. Forthcoming. "The Global Crisis of Trust in Elections." Public Opinion Quarterly, Pages: TBA

Kerr, Nicholas, Matthias Krönke, and Michael Wahman. Forthcoming. "Where are the Sore Losers? Competitive Authoritarianism, Incumbent Defeat, and Electoral Trust in Zambia's 2021 Election." Public Opinion Quarterly, Pages: TBA

Seeberg, Merete Bech and Michael Wahman. Forthcoming. "How Does Primary Election Manipulation Affect Women's Representation? Evidence From Malawi." Comparative Politics, 56(3): 345-366. (link)

Boone Catherine, Michael Wahman, Stephan Kyburz, and Andrew Linke. 2022. "Regional Cleavages in African Politics: Persistent Electoral Blocs and Territorial Opposition." Political Geography, 99:102741.  (link)

Wahman, Michael and Merete Bech Seeberg. 2022. "Paying to Play: How Parliamentary Candidates Fund Ruling Party Campaigns in Malawi." Comparative Politics, 55(1): 95-140. (link)

-Project covered in Malawi media in The Nation and in The Times

Wahman, Michael, Nikolaos Frantzeskakis,  and Tevfik Murat Yildrim. 2021. "From Thin to Thick Representation: How a Female President Shapes Female Parliamentary Behavior." American Political Science Review, 115(2): 360-372. (link)

        - Interview with President Dr. Joyce Banda and blog post about article at Democracy in Africa and podcast at WKAR/MSU Today

Hinfelaar, Marja, O'Brien Kaaba, and Michael Wahman. 2021. "Electoral Turnovers and the Disappointment of Enduring Presidential Power: Constitution Making in Zambia." Journal of Eastern African Studies,  15(1): 63-84. (link)

von Borzyskowski, Inken and Michael Wahman. 2021. “Systematic Measurement Error in Election Violence Data: Causes and Consequences.” British Journal of Political Science, 51(1):  230-252. (link)

-Replication data available here

Kerr, Nicholas and Michael Wahman. 2021. "Electoral Rulings and Public Trust in African Courts and Elections." Comparative Politics, 53(2): 257-290 (link).

Wahman, Michael and Edward Goldring. 2020. "Pre-Electoral Violence and Territorial Control: Political Dominance and Subnational Election Violence in Africa." Journal of Peace Research, 57(1):(93-110) (link

-Replication data available here

Sato, Yuko and Michael Wahman. 2019. "Elite Coordination and Popular Protest: The Joint Effect on Democratic Change." Democratization, 26(8): 1419-1438  (link

Wahman, Michael and Catherine Boone. 2018. "Captured Countryside? Stability and Change in Sub-national Support for African Incumbent Parties" Comparative Politics, 50(2): 189-208. (link)

    -Blogged about the initial working paper on Africa at LSE 

Bech Seeberg, Merete, Michael Wahman, and Svend-Erik Skaaning. 2018. "Candidate Nomination, Intra-Party Democracy, and Election Violence in Africa."  Democratization, 25(6):959-977     (link)

Goldring, Edward and Michael Wahman. 2018. "Fighting for a Name on the Ballot: Constituency-level Analysis of Nomination Violence in Zambia." Democratization, 25(6): 996-1015 (link)

Wahman, Michael and Cooper Drury. 2018. "Leverage, Diplomacy, and African Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgendered, and Intersex Rights- Malawi and Zambia Compared." Journal of Human Rights, 17(5): 622-641.  (link)

Teorell, Jan and Michael Wahman. 2018. "Institutional Stepping Stones for Democracy: How and Why Multipartyism Enhances Democratic Change." Democratization, 25(1): 78-97. (link)

Wahman, Michael. 2017. "Nationalized Incumbents and Regional Challengers: Opposition and Incumbent Party Nationalization in Africa." Party Politics, 23(3): 309-322. (link)

Wahman, Michael. 2016. "Opposition Coordination in Africa." APSA Comparative Democratization Newsletter 14:1 (link

Goldring, Edward and Michael Wahman. 2016. "Democracy in Reverse: The 2016 General Election in Zambia." Africa Spectrum, 51(3): 107-121. (link) 

- Blog about the Zambian election with Hangala Siachiwena at Africa at LSE (link) (article also published in Lusaka Times)

-Participated in the Africa Past and Present Podcast to discuss the Zambian election (link).

Patel, Nandini and Michael Wahman. 2015. ”The Presidential, Parliamentary and Local Elections in Malawi, May 2014.” Africa Spectrum, 50(1): 79-92. (link) 

Boone, Catherine and Michael Wahman. 2015. "Rural Bias in African Electoral Systems: Legacies of Unequal Representation in African Democracies." Electoral Studies, 40: 335-346. (link)

von Soest, Christian and Michael Wahman. 2015. "Are Democratic Sanctions Really Counterproductive?" Democratization, 22(6): 957-980. (link)

    -Blogged about article on E-International Relations

von Soest, Christian and Michael Wahman. 2015. “Not all Dictators are Equal: Coups, Fraudulent Elections and the Selective Targeting of Democratic Sanctions.” Journal of Peace Research, 52(1): 17-31.  (link)

    -Covered in Der Spiegel and Monkey Cage/Washington Post

Wahman, Michael. 2014. "Electoral Coordination in Anglophone Africa." Commonwealth and Comparative Politics, 52(2): 187-211. (link)

Wahman, Michael. 2014. "Democratization and Electoral Turnovers in Sub-Saharan Africa and Beyond." Democratization, 21(2): 220-243. (link)


    -Blogged about article on Democracy in Africa

Wahman, Michael. 2013. "Introduktion: Att Studera, Mäta och Förklara Auktoritär Motståndskraft" (Introduction: How to Study, Measure and Explain Autocratic Resilience).Statsvetenskaplig Tidskrift, 114(4): 261-73.  (link

Wahman, Michael. 2013. “Motståndskraft i Konkurrensutsatta Autokratier- Maktskiften, Partiinstitutionalisering och Demokratisering” (The Resilience of Competitive Authoritarian Regimes- Turnovers, Party Institutionalization and Democratization), Statsvetenskaplig Tidskrift, 114 (4): 427-449. (link)

Wahman, Michael, Jan Teorell and Axel Hadenius. 2013. "Authoritarian Regime Types Revisited: Updated Data in Comparative Perspective." Contemporary Politics, 19(1):19-34. (link)

    - Dataset available here

Wahman, Michael. 2013. "Opposition Coalitions and Democratization by Elections." Government and Opposition, 48(1): 3-32. (link)

Wahman, Michael. 2011. "Offices and Policies: Why do Oppositional Parties Form Pre-electoral Coalitions in Competitive Authoritarian Regimes?" Electoral Studies, 30(4): 642-657. (link)

Chapters in edited volumes

Tabassum, Fariha and Michael Wahman. Forthcoming ”Election Violence.” In Khisa, Moses, Anne Mette Kjær, and Alecia Ndlvu (Eds.) Encyclopedia of African Politics. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing. 

Nikolaos Frantzeskakis, Michael Wahman, and Tevfik Murat Yildrim. 2022. “Speechmaking in the Malawi Parliament” in Bäck, Hanna, Marc Debus, and Jorge M. Fernandes (Eds.) The Politics of Legislative Debates Around the World. Oxford: Oxford University Press.   

Wahman, Michael and Layla Brooks. 2022. “A Statistical Analysis of the 2019 Malawi Presidential and Parliamentary Vote: Persistence, Change, and Electoral Geography.” in Kanyongolo, Edge and Nandini Patel (Eds.) Malawi’s 2019 Tripartite Elections. Pretoria: Pretoria University Law Press.  

Wahman, Michael.  2020. “Violence and Money: A Constituency-level Survey of Election Manipulation.” in Hinfelaar, Marja, Tinenenji Banda, and Muna Ndulo. (Eds.) Elections and Politics in Zambia: Past, Present, and Future; Historical, Political and Legal Perspectives. Leiden: Brill.

Bryant, Kenneth Jr. and Michael Wahman. 2017. "Rural Voters." in Moghaddam, Fathali M. (Ed.) The SAGE Encyclopedia of Political Behavior. Thousand Oaks: SAGE.  

Patel, Nandini and Michael Wahman. 2015. “Introduction” in Patel, Nandini and Michael Wahman, (Eds.) The Malawi 2014 Tripartite Elections- Is Democracy Maturing? Lilongwe: National Initiative for Civic Education, forthcoming, Pages: 2-15. (link)

Wahman, Michael and Daniel Chapman. 2015. “The Persistent and Increasing Problem of Malapportionment in Malawi- A Statistical Argument for Redistricting.” in Patel, Nandini and Michael Wahman (Eds.) The Malawi 2014 Tripartite Elections- Is Democracy Maturing? Lilongwe: National Initiative for Civic Education, forthcoming, Pages: 52-69. (link

Wahman, Michael, Jan Teorell and Axel Hadenius. 2014. “Authoritarian Regime Types Revisited: Updated Data in Comparative Perspective.” in Croissant, Aurel, Stefan Kallitz, Patrick Köllner and Stefan Wurster (Eds.) 2014. Comparing Autocracies in the Early Twenty-first Century- Volume 1:Unpacking Autocracies- Explaining Similarities and Differences. New York: Routledge, 20-36 (Reprint) (link)


Edited Special Issues

Democratization. 2018. "Candidate Nomination, Intra-party Democracy, and Election Violence in Africa." 25(6). (With Merete Bech Seeberg and Svend-Erik Skaaning.)

Statsvetenskaplig Tidskrift. 2013. "Skandinavisk Forskning om Auktoritära Staters Motståndskraft" (Scandinavian Research on the Resilience of Authoritarian Regimes). 114 (4).

    -Special Issue was covered on Bistå and Lundagård


I have been involved in modifying and extending a dataset on Authoritarian regime types, in collaboration with Jan Teorell and Axel Hadenius. The data can be found on an external webpage