M.S. Application

Defunct space but to be maintained for the sake of posterity. My self-obsessed rants are difficult to ignore and destroy.

This space shall be dedicated to application related updates.

I have applied to the following universities (in no particular order) :

Personal Information :

University : BITS-Pilani, Rajasthan, India

CGPA : 8.29

GRE : 1510/1600 (Quant : 800, Verbal : 710)

TOEFL : 116/120

Just to add another angle to the 42! reasons I want to definitely (not the countless lackadaisical "definitely's" that plague the self-important student population that continues on sans any sense of direction, but the "definitely"  that makes Usain Bolt's mum proud, Schumacher's opponents wet their driving seats, and will scrape the 3-yr rust off my armor and restore my sheen) pursue higher studies, I will have to recount my experiments with science.

Back in the 9th grade, we were being introduced to rotational mechanics, very basic equations indeed, but extremely powerful when applied. So, I thought, lets just tinker around with these equations, as I had with almost every other thing I had learnt, be it in Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry (I even tried my hand at explosives and acrid rancid chemical concoctions) or even the social sciences. Juggling around with the mathematics, led me to the then blasphemous result : pi radians=180 degrees. Not being clear about the concept of radians then, I sought help from my teachers, who surprisingly enough, were equally astounded and were sure that I had gone wrong somewhere. Later I realised the true meaning of the result. In the 11th grade, I again juggled around with equations and came up with what is better known as the coriolis force and developed, what then seemed to be, my own branch of physics, complete with theorems and results. It did come as a big shock, when I was introduced to this same field I had supposedly developed, nearly 2 years later. I can go on about similar experiences in mathematics too, where I came very close to the concept of calculus in the 8th grade, while ruminating over how not to waste food, and developed my own formulae for speedy calculations in a train journey attempting to find a general shortcut to multiply any number with n. In a nutshell (a big one at that), my academic life is ridden with examples of already discovered discoveries. 

I have no proof as such to corroborate these claims of mine, though my continued indulgence in the mentioned manner should be evidence enough.

Lately (that is in my freshman year), I developed an out-of-the-blue-with-no-mathematical-backing theory of the universe, in which I attempt to explain most of the observations and evidence provided in support of the big bang theory, using an entirely different template. My amateurish studies into string theory, superstring theory, M theory have in fact, made me slightly more convinced of my intuitive model of the universe.

 I also developed an entire logic and argument around "truth" being the 5th dimension that lets me see quantum mechanics, heisenberg's uncertainty principle and quantum entanglement in an entirely new light. Though one of my peers has raised some doubt, citing godel's incompleteness theorems, I am yet to address them.

Certainly, I haven't lost my ability to think originally and discovery of my discoveries having been discovered hasn't steeped the flow of ideas in my mind. This is exactly the reason, I NEED to study further, in the hope that some day, one of my discoveries will not have been discovered, and it shall finally be my own to own. It is only through proper guidance, I believe, I can be fully optimised and exploited to my complete potential.