
Lesson 1 constructs - general


This is an extensive, one-sided, discussion of constructs in every capacity the author could think to write about.  We’ll start at the very bottom, and move along, step-by-step.  Please note that all you read here is in the opinion and experience of the author quite useful, but as with all energy work there will be about a dozen thousand different takes on every topic covered.  Not everyone will value these opinions, definitions, and explanations, and that’s okay.  The author equally expects praise and being tarred and feathered.  Please go through the pages in the order they are presented to you; I have tried to make this as easy as possible for you by not presenting you with a navigation bar.  The pages are in this order for your benefit as the definitions of the varied vernacular will only be linked to once.  And we’ll start this trend now, by defining constructs

(Please note, on pages with more than one link read click the first link first, then use your browser’s back button to click the next link, the last one will carry you on to the next tidbit.)