
Basic programming

Where it all begins 

By miri

-recommended prior reading-

The art of programming, by SunTzu, found in the constructs section of the article section of



Ah! The undeniably abstract field of programming, what thing could be more vague while having to be so precise and detailed and remaining important? Frankly, I’m never as happy as when I’m making a construct, and in order to make any construct you must program. What is it that makes everyone able to make a psi-ball but no one able to make a psipet unless they’re “skilled?” It’s the person, it’s the method, it’s the acceptance, and the denial. Here’s the big secret, there is no secret. I’ll unravel everything (I can) that makes people so intolerably confused about programming, aimed at novices, I hope it helps.


-The essential methods-

visualization- So appropriately Sun-Tzu’s “the art of programming” (which you have hopefully read and can find in the articles section of has three categories of visualization “visual,” “tactile,” and “conceptual.” He gives nice descriptions and makes it all fit into a nice package, he does a great job of this, and his goal to define different forms of visualization for use in programming. His explanation is also more complicated than anything ought or need be. Visualization is visualization is visualization! To divide it is unnecessary, and beyond that pure and utter silliness, when there is (for practical purposes) no need. Visualize with colors, sounds, feelings, emotions, concepts, whatever you can, everything you can. The key to visualization isn’t how you do it, it’s simply that you match up what the visualization means to you. If white means pureness, or holiness to you it will have such an effect within a construct, if a bee’s buzzing means there’s danger in the air, the construct will reflect that, it’s all individual (however, there are still techniques out there that are relatively universal, they merely use relatively universal symbols).


Intent, or will- This isn’t an uncommon methodology for extrapsionic energy practices, but is fairly well ignored in most psionics circles. What you want to happen is what will happen when you put your faith in intent. By trying to force your will (concentrating, generally, on the final product, rather than any forms of hows) on energy, and succeeding, you accomplish a construct as much as anyone going by visualization’s tricky nature. This is best when not used alone but WITH visualization.


Instinctive- The odds are you’ve not heard of this before, it’s not readily acknowledged by most because the ability to instinctively program is difficult to learn and rare to be born with. Instinctive programmers will know and understand everything I’m about to say, but the rest of you will probably take the time to read this more than once, and will probably be left in a fog despite it. Instinctive programming is much like instinctive telepathy, or instinctive empathy, or instinctive psychokinesis. It’s totally natural and logical to those who have it, and it takes what feels like forever to learn it from scratch. The closest as I can describe it is to “talk” to the energy, to be directly assertive, with your conscious mind to facilitate whatever mechanics are involved in programming, rather than being a plea to your subconscious to make things happen. It’s operating in a state of mind that makes you almost one part of the energy, telling it to be something it isn’t, and then (for lack of better words) it becomes what you tell it to be. This may sound a great deal like the last essential method, but it’s really not, intent is fine and dandy, but this is a few hundred notches above just “willing it so.” It’s the “crispest” and “clearest” programming you are liable to encounter and is thereby easy to read and understand when opposed to programming by other methods.



-The applications-

Now, keep in mind the above, just the visualization and intent is important to 90% of you, so please, that 90%, keep your mind on just the visualization and intent. This is vague, but at the end I have some more specific ideas.

1) Have an idea (at least) a basic one, of what you need or want to do first, it just makes things easier and allows for better focus on the actual doing.

2) Gather or produce energy as needed; See, hear, feel, think up, smell and/or taste your need and/or want while doing so.

3) See, hear, feel, think up, smell and/or taste your need and/or want with this construct to-be in your field, and perhaps in between your hands, or even in your body, being certain that the construct is the clear target or recipient.

4) Now that the purpose is thoroughly established you might need to do more, like shelling, or making additional constructs or power the construct, or reinforce a shield. I’ll discuss the new possibilities in more detail, individually, now.

4a) Shelling: Put simply this is making a shield around your construct to keep outside forces (like ambient energy and annoying semi-sentinents, and a whole array of sentiments both incarnate and disincarnate). This is done, most basically by surrounding the construct in a highly dense “shell”, thus the name.

4b) Some may have issues with distracting from your original goal, and say to just put all the programming into one construct, another may say to keep all of the constructs you make pretty simple, but make many of them. It’s six of one or a half-dozen of the other, and neither of the sides will admit so openly. Once your original construct(s) is (or are) shelled feel free to make more and not worry about it, or just let it hang around in your field to keep it safe, then make all the constructs you want... the same way you just made one.

4c) Depending on the purpose of the construct, how much fuel you include, and the time it’ll remain active you may need to provide it with an external power source. The classic power source is a ley-line (ley-lines are “lines” or “streams” of energy that naturally exist as a byproduct of living nervous systems, they are plenty large for most needs for those who will be reading this, but in many situations, despite their dependability can fall short of more advanced needs). To use a ley-line just create a hose (a hollow tube) from one (there are many just lying around, with high occurrence around highways, animal trails, and rivers/streams) to the construct that needs power. There are better and bigger sources, but the odds are few of you will need them, look for them in my more advanced articles for more.

4d) In protective shields, or constructs that may undergo direct stress you may want to reinforce the structure. The easiest way to do this is by forcing “rods” of dense energy programmed with the intent to “stabilize” through the natural structure of the construct. In this way you create solid shock absorbers and keep the stress of shape maintenance off of the construct itself.

-Specific applications-

Here are a couple of more specific uses of the essential methods in a practical sense.


1) Know you need/want a sphere of energy rotating on a 90 degree angle to the floor axis.

2) Charge or gather energy enough to make this thing you need/want, and consider what it will/ought look, sound, smell, taste, and/or feel like (a swirling ball of [insert color here] energy with crackling or electric sounds coming from it, smelling of success and feeling dense and yet dynamic).

3) Use your prior visualization as a defining feature, make it a part of the energy you’ve gathered, SEE it swirling, SEE it the color it should (now is) be, HEAR it crackle, SMELL its power, FEEL its density and motion.

4) Create an encasing around the ball, a thick shell to keep it safe, that is dense and hard, but allows the ball to rotate.


bubble shield

1) Know you need/want some protection, or that you have/want to tune out the empathic/telepathic noise around you.

2) Gather/produce the energy you need, all the while keep in mind the sight  of a semi translucent, hollow sphere forming around you.

3) See the hollow translucent, but protective/filtering sphere, feel it at the edges of your consciousness, hear it closing you off from the outside, taste the air around you being free of other presences.

4) If you see is fit, reinforce the shield, add specific functions and anything you may need/want.


Well, I think that just about covers the basic basics, there will be more articles in the future. I hope this helped, and keep in mind, I’m over complicating this just like everyone else, it’s easier done than said. Enjoy constructs, they’ll serve you well.


-recommended further reading-

Any and all articles you can find by SunTzu, or miri, for that matter…

