
Advanced constructs

A brief guide to the daunting 

By miri 

-Recommended prior reading-

Basic programming by miri



The purpose of this article is to establish a number of things that can greatly aid you in any programming endeavors you may choose to take on, first various tools, then some advanced programming methods you may choose to employ. I’ll be as specific as I can be without limiting the use of these tools and methods, some are obvious and some are not, so please give the full article your attention, as even if something is obvious, you may not know everything about it (the same goes for subjects covered in “Basic Programming”, that article was, as the name implies, basic).



Here’s a list along with descriptions, they are organized by category, there is no particular order other than that.


External power sources-

There are those who claim that by going outside of the realm of strict “psi” energy one leaves the realms of psionics. I feel, however, that psionics is more a school of thought, a way of approaching problems and a general methodology more than a set of teachings on a specific energy type. There are also people who claim that taking in energy other than “psi” is going to cause you some sort of harm... this is, of course... a pile of steaming shit, to put it kindly. Energy types may vary, and their properties, but the great majority of energy types you may encounter will not harm you unless made to do so. With that in mind, There are a number of potent power sources that will aid those who are both willing and able to use them. Remember though, even a huge amount of energy can’t make an inexperienced programmer in any way more skilled, it’s only a tool.


Ley-lines- A byproduct of life, these common streams, or lines of energy are the basic power source of more energy workers than one can count. By their nature ley-lines are infinitely renewable and are easy to use. They flow, so by merely attaching a hose to the line one gets a good yield and spends little effort on tapping a potentially unlimited power source. (A note: Overkill is not your friend, don’t try pulling apart a ley-line and directing one end into a construct; just use a hose (or as some call it, a tether) from the ley-line to the need, if you want to get fancy about it, regulate the portion of the ley-line diverted into your link/tether/whatever-it-please-you-to-call-it.)


Star-lines- These are a bit less common to hear about and are an artificial source of power. On the astral level stars, like the sun, are represented by massive energy producing reactors that one can tap just like a ley-line, just attach a tether/hose and reap the benefits. You might be saying that stars are VERY far away, and that’s where a major difference between the physical and nonphysical realms comes into play. In physical realms space is only theoretically possible to manipulate, in the nonphysical space is very easy to manipulate. On that principle the light-years shrink to any convenient distance, making it possible for those with small reserves to tap the huge source, and reap the benefits.  Do make note, this is an astral source, not an “earthly” source, so it’s not very useful for things like PK, whereas it is quite useful for things like shields, telepathy, combat, etc. (Note: What goes for ley-lines applies here, overkill = bad.)


Elemental energies-

Another common energy source these energies are already fit with properties, for instance, fire energy “burns”, water energy ”cleans”, and wood energy makes a good tree construct.


uses- Every thing and force has a particular energy associated with it. Some are as simple as a psi-signature, or as complex as an entire energy with a set of preprogrammed (not literally programmed, but innate to the energy) traits and uses. These energies are useful to reinforce your programming with a sort of irrevocable set of traits, things that you program in can often be ‘removed or altered by a better programmer. However the innate properties of elemental energies are much harder to remove or alter, so by combining the two you can have at least some secure, long term programming for important workers, without spending forever.

gathering- To gather an element first envision the thing. The feelings it invokes and its traits in particular. Find the final feeling you can create after having reflected on it and after combining all of the feelings and senses it invokes is going to be the essential “calling card” of the energy. Bring this feeling into mind and pull this feeling from your environment, feel it gathering, see it come from the environment and in particular the thing which the element represents. feel it massing wherever you need it, then admire your accomplishment, you’ve gathered an elemental energy.


properties of the 6 basic elements-

These are just the six elements most commonly used, and here are just the traits that come to mind, and some uses, that is to say, there are more.

Air- Dynamic, clear, easy to move, diffuses quickly, compressible, loads of give. May be used as a space filler, or compressed heavily to make a very “hot” attack.

Fire- Dynamic, hot, painful, light giving, fast spreading, chaotic. Used in the destruction of construct and/or critters, via “burning.”

Water- Purifying, somewhat dynamic, cooling, has some give, stabilizing. An excellent tool in healing constructs to “clean” “wounds,” also, is a good thing to make an artificial stasis with, because it’s so stable (by stasis I mean a sphere of space filled with this energy in which constructs are preserved without having to shell them).

Earth- Static, dense, hard, little give, cool, stabilizing. Makes an excellent “wall” or as a substance with which to reinforce constructs, particularly when compressed.

Wood- static, dense, hard, some give, “natural,” fresh. Makes a good wall or shield, is good to use in semi-sentient to sentient constructs because it gives it a more natural feel which will fool most scanners into seeing it as a natural entity.

Metal- Static, dense, hard, some give, “less natural,” “stuffy.” An excellent material to make a shield from, I’ve also seen it “sharpened” and used in weapons.



Trances are used often, by many people, for many things. In this case it’s to figure out and execute programming you can’t figure out on a conscious level.


I mentioned above the use of trances to understand and use complex programming you don’t understand, but that’s not all there is to it. Trances have been used to channel more energy and use it more efficiently than normally towards the construct. I’ve seen only rudimentarily skilled programmers go into trances and come out with elegant and potent constructs. By going into a trance with a specific goal, like needing to make a construct that outputs more energy than you input, a very complicated task. By Trancing with this goal in mind, you usually come out with a construct that does exactly what you want.


1) Overload- Typically accomplished by listening to “trance” music. Also, by concentrating on a number of things at once, like listening to your favorite song, doing advanced linear algebra while thinking about what your girlfriend/boyfriend might be doing and thinking about  that dream you had last night. Really anything that overloads your conscious mind works. For some people this method of trancing is inconvenient, they don’t “trance out” by doing these things, these people should try meditative trances.

2) Meditative- Achieved by focusing on nothingness. Usually you start by either starring at candle flames or something captivating, and, hopefully, reach the point at which you can just stop thinking. Another way to start is by focusing on your breathing and thinking less and less with every breath. This works for most people, but some get annoyed so quickly that they never reach a trance this way, these people should try overload trances.


Miscellaneous tools-

These are tools with no governing category within the scope of this article.

Stasis fields-

Spheres of somewhat dense energy that are formed with “loose” borders. An alternative to using a shell, this is essentially just a large construct that acts as a holding space for other constructs, the only programming is to hold together and keep things stable. Not terribly commonly used in psionics, but used in most “magic(k)s” (there is little difference, really, it’s all energy work).


Not something I use personally, but there are countless that work with radionics. If you want a few introductory radionics devices try Chuckie Cosimano’s site he more or less pioneered radionics and is really quite brilliant in the area of radionics. Uncle Chuckie as he has been called is the person to ask about this though, not me.

Memory cards-

For time consuming work when you can’t dedicate a long period of time non-stop to the construct, but don’t want to lose your efforts, “memory cards’ are very useful. I first heard them called “memory cards” on the MPW-13 forums (which no longer exist), but have both used and seen them used by other names long before that. Memory cards are one of two things. They are either a literal thing, a construct that you “store data” on, or it’s more of an idea, that is, you store the programming in energy and store the pattern as a memory in your mind. Explaining the “how” of it is more difficult. By taking your construct and pulling out the programming itself and storing it in energy programmed not to use or take in the programming you create a literal memory card. By taking the programming and either telling your sub-c to memorize it (and have a keyword to carry out this stored program), or by just remembering the “feeling” of the programming, you store the project in your own memory, rather than in energy.




-Advanced programming-

            While I covered all of the basic ways to program in “Basic programming” there are more advanced ways which make use of those basic methodologies in a different way. That is to say that while the following methods are just extensions of the previously explored methods they are more advanced, and require a solid grasp of the three principle methods (with frequent, if not constant, exception of instinctive).When used with the tools afore listed these methods are quite nearly enough to Do any construct project, program any command, and start to master programming.

Intelligent design-

            This is the best way I can think to sum up the use of “technology” in the form of constructs. It’s the creation and use of system series. These series can be as simple as a construct to intake ambient energy, feeding a construct that compacts that energy to a construct that forms that energy into a sphere. These systems can be so complex that they are not comprehendible on a macroscopic scale. “Intelligent design” as I’ve labeled it is an art all its own, and is only in the realm of programming as the most advanced programmers eventually start to make “technology” as their subconscious understanding of the construct increases. However learning this method of advanced problem solving is an animal of a different species. It requires the use of the subconscious mind as a conscious peer (and pretty much a guide), as the advanced pieces are not consciously interpretable, whereas  in standard psionic programming the maker nearly always has some understanding of their work.

Memory use-

            This is a somewhat rare phenomenon that occurs spontaneously with those with a natural knack for psionics, but not constructs, who have a great deal of experience in programming. It can be learned with little difficulty though. As the name implies this is the use of memories of programming to create programming. Let me explain. You’ve all probably made a million psi-balls, and eventually you don’t have to think about making a psi-ball you can simply instantly create them at the thought of them. This is the most common, rudimentary example of memory use. Now what makes the use of this methodology relatively rare is the extension of this memory-based programming things that you’ve never made. It may well, and ought to, sound oxymoronic to make things you’ve never made from memory, however by mixing and matching individual small bits of programming from things you have made you can create entirely new constructs. As an example, the creation of a link with a filter in-between the two participants. You make the link as you have a hundred times from memory, cutting out the middle. Then you make a psi-ball from memory and program it to block certain things, from memory, as you would a bubble shield, and connect it to the cut off ends of the link, and presto you’ve made a new construct from memory.

Just do it-

            It’s not just for psychokinesis anymore!  Writers far better than I have made very elegant attempts at describing the “just do it” method, and so to limit how much of a fool I make myself out to be I’ll let you find one of those elegant explanations for yourself. When “just programming” one applies thought only to the end result and tries their best to ignore the actual programming and the actual doing while still actually doing the programming. It’s a delicate balance to say the least and thusly it is an advanced method that is far easier for those who can instinctively program.

How to instinctively program without the instincts-

            You remember how I said it is difficult to learn instinctive programming?  Well it’s about a hundred times more difficult to explain than it is to learn, but I will try to make it clearer here. Instinctive programming I earlier described as “talking” to the energy, making it into a construct. While that is accurate it’s lacking in meaning. Much like explaining snow to someone who has only seen and felt conditions over eighty degrees, the explaining of it as “talking” to the energy is not a full or understandable an explanation. The use of thought coherently, non-symbolically and instantly affecting energy exactly as the thought is meant to is a fuller description, skipping all of the non-design-related conscious steps without “Just doing it” because you’re aware of the programming on a conscious level.

            The actual how is far less explainable. If you can innately perform any aspect of psionics, be it empathy, telepathy, psychokinesis or any other skill you may have an idea of what I’m trying to say, however if you have no innate ability, that is, that all the psionics you can perform you painstakingly learned, you stand little chance of comprehension and may need to simply ignore me. First, know what your end result will be. Then gather/produce the energy. Then bring your will into reality by making the energy be your end product. That is to say, “just do it” However you’re also consciously designing and enacting the programming, just without visualization or will/intent involved at all. Now if you’re an innate tele/empath you may well understand what I mean by skipping certain aspects and just getting an end result, also those who have used the “just do it” method may understand (or think the two are the same, which they are not).


Project Ideas- (How good are you?)

            I will here give a few ideas for those of you who think they are, or border on being, advanced programmers. Once you can make 1-4 using any of the two given basic methodologies (visualization and intent) you can consider yourself graduated from a novice programmer to an intermediate programmer. Once you can make 1-11, using the three initially presented methods (visualization, intent/will, and instinctive) consider yourself advanced. Once you can make them all (1-19) using all of the presented methods (including all of the methodologies presented here) you can consider yourself a “master” of programming. If you’re looking for detailed instructions you’re looking in the wrong place, as these projects are most beneficial if figured out on your own. Suffice to say there are many techniques available for 1-10, however, the key to mastering psionics is understanding it well enough to have no reliance on the techniques of others.

1) The psi-ball (and all the variants, such as the psi-cube).

2) A construct dynamo (self-sustaining).

3) A construct dynamo (self-sustaining and has a product [such as occasionally popping out a psi-ball, or clone]).

4) A construct dynamo (self-sustaining and produces significant amounts of energy [at least enough energy to mimic your natural, unintentional energy production]).

5) A system series to create 1. (see intelligent design for a definition of a system series)

6) A system series to create 2.

7) A system series to create 3.

8) A system series to create 4.

9) A simple Chaos shield.

10) An advanced chaos shield.

11) Large scale, stable astral warps (such as making a loop in space on the astral plane such that moving forward ends up behind the starting point [warp your head around that one]).

12) Unmaking shields without attacking/damaging them.

13) Make constructs with ability that you are unable to use without the aid of constructs.

14) “Modifications” to energetic/astral bodies that affect the physical body.

15) “Psi-pets” whit fully functioning minds and an I.Q. above average.

16) Energy converters (for instance fire element to psi and vice versa).

17) Psionic amplifying constructs (amplifying abilities, sensory, or influence).

18) “Cages” or “seals” that can both block ability(ies) and movement on the astral plane.

19) Flared Psi-balls (and variants).

For the “Master” of programming.

A) Flared versions of 2-18

B) Constructs that perfectly mimic physical creatures on both a physical and astral level (visible, physically tactilely sensible, breathing, etc. etc. not just something that is shaped like an animal, and maybe moves like one).

C) There is very little chance you’ve done all of the precedents, so please go through them before asking “what’s next?” And if you actually manage to do them all you may feel free to contact me and ask “What’s next?”(You will be heartily, and perhaps skeptically congratulated.)


-Final notes-

            There is little more to programming than what is contained here and in its antecedent article, using the information in them, and coupling the information with patience and effort, you can accomplish most programming goals. Luck.

