

Corporate earnings announcements and economic activity with Haroon Mumtaz, International Economic Review. [Replication files] [Shock Series] [Online Appendix

Equity Market Connectedness across Regimes of Geopolitical Risks: Historical Evidence and Theory with Maya Jalloul, Journal of International Money and Finance

Uncertainty shocks in emerging economies: a global to local approach for identification, European Economic Review, 2023, 154, p.104437. [ Replication files ]    [Online  Appendix]

Global growth on life support? The contributions of fiscal and monetary policy since the global financial crisis  with Ursel  Baumann and David LodgeInternational Journal of Finance and Economics, 2022

Covid-19-induced shocks and uncertainty, with  Raffaele Rossi,   European Economic Review, 2021, Volume 139, Pages 1-12; [Replication Files], [Article on Economics Observatory

Together in bad times? Connectedness and spillovers in recession and boomThe Manchester School, 87(3), pp.342-366, 2019

Working papers

Nonlinearities with de-anchored inflations expectations, with Stefano Fasani and Lorenza RossiOnline Appendix 

The expansionary effects of housing credit supply shocks with Giorgio Motta,  Dario Pontiggia, and Raffaele Rossi 

Forward guidance and the mitigation hypothesis, updated Sep. 2023,  First version here  

Proxy structural vector autoregressions, informational sufficiency and the role of monetary policy  with  Haroon Mumtaz

Work in  progress

Non-linear effects of oil supply news shocks, with Haroon Mumtaz and Konstantinos Theodoridis (draft coming soon!)

Unemployment, Inflation,  and Uncertainty in the Frequency Domain, with  Stefano Fasani (draft coming soon!)

Policy papers

Capital Gaps, Risk Dynamics, and the Macroeconomy with Fabian Lipinsky,   IMF wp series