
(40) 阿部 博和小林 元樹小田中 健流太田 尚志後藤 龍太郎美濃川 拓哉鷲尾 正彦阿部 広和福森 啓晶 (2023)


石巻専修大学研究紀要 34: 109-114.

(39) Tokanai K., Kamei Y., and Minokawa T. (2021)

An Easy and Rapid Staining Method for Confocal Microscopic Observation and Reconstruction of Three‐Dimensional Images of Echinoderm Larvae and Juveniles.

Development, Growth & Differentiation 63: 478-487

(38) Jimi N.,  Minokawa T.,  Miura T.,  and Kajihara H. (2020)

Meiobenthic polychaete Dinophilus sp. cf. gyrociliatus (Annelida: Dinophilidae) from Japan with SEM observation and DNA barcodes.

Species Diversity 25: 213-218

(37) Yamazaki A.,  Morino Y.,  Urata M.,  Yamaguchi M.,  Minokawa T.,  Furukawa R.,  Kondo M., and Wada H. (2020)

Pmar1/phb homeobox genes and the evolution of the double-negative gate for endomesoderm specification in echinoderms

Development 147: dev182139

(36) Amemiya S., Hibino T., Minokawa T.,  Naruse K., Kamei Y., Uemura I., Kiyomoto M., Hisanaga S-I., Kuraishi R. (2019)

Development of the coelomic cavities in larvae of the living isocrinid sea lily Metacrinus rotundus

Acta Zoologica 100: 414-430

(35) Hibino T.*, Minokawa T.*, and Yamazaki A.* (2019)

Cidaroids, clypeasteroids, and spatangoids: Procurement, culture, and basic methods

Methods in Cell Biology, 150: 81-103

*These authors equally contributed to this work. 

(34) Adachi S., Niimi I., Sakai Y., Sato F., Minokawa T., Urata M., Sehara-Fujisawa A., Kobayashi I. and Yamaguchi M. (2018)

Anteroposterior molecular registries in ectoderm of the echinus rudiment

Developmental Dynamics, 247: 1297-1307

(33) Minokawa T. (2017)

Comparative studies on the skeletogenic mesenchyme of echinoids

Developmental Biology 427: 212-218

(32) Sonobe H., Obinata T.,  Minokawa T., Haruta T., Kawamura S., Wakatsuki S., Sato N.  (2016)

Characterization of paramyosin and thin filaments in the smooth muscle of acorn worm, a member of hemichordates

Journal of Biochemistry 160 (6): 369-379

(31) Yamazaki A. and Minokawa T. (2016)

Roles of hesC and gcm in echinoid larval mesenchyme cell development

(30) Amemiya S., Omori A., Tsurugaya T., Hibino T., Yamaguchi M., 

Kuraishi R., Kiyomoto M. and Minokawa T. (2016)

Early stalked stages in ontogeny of the living isocrinid sea lily Metacrinus rotundus

Acta Zoologica 97: 102-116

(29) Yamazaki A. and Minokawa T. (2015)

Expression patterns of mesenchyme specification genes in two distantly related echinoids, Glyptocidaris crenularis and Echinocardium cordatum

Gene Expression Patterns 17: 87–97

(28) Kaul-Strehlow S., Urata M., Minokawa T., Stach T. and Wanninger A. (2015)

Neurogenesis in directly and indirectly developing enteropneusts: of nets and cords

Organisms Diversity & Evolution 15: 405-422

(27) Yamazaki A., Kidachi Y.,  Yamaguchi M.  and Minokawa T.  (2014)

Larval mesenchyme cell specification in the primitive echinoid occurs independently of the double-negative gate

Development 141: 2669-2679

(26) Yamazaki A., Kidachi Y. and Minokawa T. (2012)

“Micromere” formation and expression of endomesoderm regulatory genes during embryogenesis of the primitive echinoid Prionocidaris baculosa 

Development, Growth and Differentiation 54: 566-578

(25) 阿部広和、鷲尾正彦、山嵜敦子、美濃川拓哉、西川輝昭 (2012)

青森県陸奥湾における半索動物ミサキギボシムシBalanoglossus misakiensis Kuwano, 1902の初記録

青森自然誌研究 17: 25-27.

(24) Minemura K, Yamaguchi M. and Minokawa T. (2009)

Evolutionary modification of T-brain (tbr) expression patterns in sand dollar 

Gene Expression Patterns 9: 468-474.

(23) Fujii T., Sakamoto N., Ochiai H., Fujita K., Okamitsu Y., Sumiyoshi N., Minokawa T. and Yamamoto T. (2009)

Role of the Nanos homolog during sea urchin development 

Developmental Dynamics 238: 2511-2521.

(22) 美濃川拓哉 (2009)


「ウニ学」本川達雄 編著 東海大学出版会

(21) Iijima M., Ishizuka Y., Nakajima Y., Amemiya S. and Minokawa T. (2009)

Evolutionary modification of specification for the endomesoderm in the direct developing echinoid Peronella japonica: loss of the endomesoderm-inducing signal originating from micromeres 

Development, Genes and Evolution 219: 235-247.

(20) Nakata H. and Minokawa T. (2009)

Expression patterns of wnt8 orthologs in two sand dollar species with different developmental modes 

Gene Expression Patterns 9: 152-157.

(19) 美濃川拓哉 (2007)


生物の科学 遺伝. 61(4), 2-3.

(18) Minokawa T., Wikramanayake A. and Davidson E.H. (2005)

cis-Regulatory inputs of the wnt8 gene in the sea urchin endomesoderm network 

Developmental Biology 288: 545-558.

(17) Sweet H., Amemiya S., Ransick A., Minokawa T., McClay D.R., Wikramanayake A., Kuraishi R., Kiyomoto M., Nishida H. and Henry J. (2004)

Blastomere isolation and transplantation 

Methods in Cell Biology 74: 243-271.

(16) Hibino T., Harada Y., Minokawa T., Nonaka M. and Amemiya S. (2004)

Molecular heterotopy in the expression of Brachyury orthologs in Order Clypeasteroida (irregular sea urchins) and Order Echinoida (regular sea urchins) 

Development, Genes and Evolution 214: 546-558.

(15) Revilla-i-Domingo R., Minokawa T. and Davidson E.H. (2004)

R11: A cis-regulatory node of the sea urchin embryo gene network that controls early expression of SpDelta in micromeres 

Developmental Biology 274: 438-451.

(14) Otim O., Amore G., Minokawa T., McClay D.R. and Davidson E.H. (2004)

SpHnf6, a transcription factor that executes multiple functions in sea urchin embryogenesis 

Developmental Biology. 273: 226-243.

(13) Minokawa T., Rast J.P., Arenas-Mena C., Franco C.B. and Davidson E.H. (2004)

Expression patterns of four different regulatory genes that function during sea urchin development 

Gene Expression Patterns 4: 449-456.

(12) Minokawa T., Amemiya S. and Matsuoka N. (2003)

Genetic divergence of two local Japanese populations of the Echinothurioid echinoid, Asthenosoma ijimai 

Bull. Fac. Agric. & Life Sci. Hirosaki Univ. 5: 1-8.

(11) Davidson E.H., Rast J.P., Oliveri P., Ransick A., Calestani C., Yuh C.-H., Minokawa T., Amore G., Hinman V., Arenas-Mena C., Otim O., Brown T.C., Livi C.B., Lee P.Y., Revilla R., Schilstra M.J., Clarke P.J.C., Rust A.G., Pan Z.J., Arnone M.I., Rowen L., Cameron R.A., McClay D.R., Hood L. and Bolouri H. (2002) 

A genomic regulatory network for development 

Science 295(5560): 1669-1678.

(10) Davidson E. H., Rast J.P., Oliveri P., Ransick A., Calestani C., Yuh C.-H., Minokawa T., Amore G., Hinman V., Arenas-Mena C., Otim O., Brown T.C., Livi C.B., Lee P.Y., Revilla R., Schilstra M.J., Clarke P.J.C., Rust A.G., Pan Z.J., Arnone M.I., Rowen L., Cameron R.A., McClay D.R., Hood L. and Bolouri H. (2002) 

A provisional regulatory gene network for specification of endomesoderm in the sea urchin embryo 

Developmental Biology 246: 162-190.

(9) Ransick A., Rast J.P., Minokawa T., Calestani C. and Davidson E.H. (2002)

New early zygotic regulators expressed in endomesoderm of sea urchin embryos discovered by differential array hybridization 

Developmental Biology 246: 132-147.

(8) Minokawa T., Yagi K., Makabe K.W. and Nishida H. (2001)

Binary specification of nerve cord and notochord cell fates in ascidian embryos 

Development 128(11): 2007-2017.

(7) Ishizuka Y., Minokawa T. and Amemiya S. (2001)

Micromere descendants at the blastula stage are involved in normal archenteron formation in sea urchin embryos 

Development, Genes and Evolution 211: 83-88.

(6) Makabe K.W., Kawashima T., Kawashima S., Minokawa  T., Adachi A., Kawamura H., Ishikawa H., Yasuda R., Yamamoto H., Kondoh K., Arioka S., Sasakura Y., Kobayashi A., Yagi K., Shojima K., Kondoh Y., Kido S., Tsujinami M., Nishimura N., Takahashi M., Nakamura T., Kanehisa M., Ogasawara M., Nishikata T. and Nishida H. (2001) 

Large-scale cDNA analysis of the maternal genetic information in the egg of Halocynthia roretzi for a gene expression catalog of ascidian development 

Development 128(13): 2555-2567.

(5) Ogasawara M.*, Minokawa T.*, Sasakura Y., Nishida H. and Makabe K.W. (2001)

A large-scale whole-mount in situ hybridization system: Rapid one-tube preparation of DIG-labeled RNA probes and high throughput hybridization using 96-well silent screen plates 

Zoological Science 18: 187-193.

*These authors equally contributed to this work.

(4) Iijima M., Ishizuka Y., Minokawa T. and Amemiya S. (2000)

Studies on the potential of micromeres to induce archenteron differentiation in embryos of a direct-developing sand dollar, Peronella japonica 

Zygote 8, S80-S80 Suppl.

(3) Minokawa T. and Amemiya S. (1999)

Timing of the potential of micromere-descendants in echinoid embryos to induce endoderm differentiation of mesomere-descendants 

Development, Growth and Differentiation 41: 535-547.

(2) Minokawa T. and Amemiya S. (1998)

Mesodermal cell differentiation in echinoid embryos derived from the animal cap recombined with a quartet of micromeres 

Zoological Science 15: 541-545.

(1) Minokawa T., Hamaguchi Y. and Amemiya S. (1997)

Skeletogenic potential of induced secondary mesenchyme cells derived from the presumptive ectoderm in echinoid embryos 

Development, Genes and Evolution 206: 472-476.