Thank you for visiting my website! I am an Assistant Professor of Economics at the University of Mannheim and a member of the Collaborative Research Center Transregio 224 "Economic Perspectives on Societal Challenges: Equality of Opportunity, Market Regulation, and Financial Stability."  

My research focuses on Macroeconomics, Growth, Development, and Human Capital. I received my Ph.D. in Economics from UC San Diego in 2023. 

Working Papers 

Debt, Human Capital Accumulation, and the Allocation of Talent 

with Titan Alon and Natalie Cox

Land Reform, Human Capital Accumulation, and Structural Transformation 

with Munseob Lee

Disease, Human Capital, and Development: Macroeconomic Analysis of Malaria Vaccination in Sub-Saharan Africa (new draft coming soon)

Previously circulated as How Will a New Malaria Vaccine Shape Africa's Economic Future? A Macroeconomic Analysis (old version)

STEG small research grant on "Quantifying the Gains from Eradicating Malaria using a Structural Model" [STEG WP 090]


The U.S. Structural Transformation and Regional Convergence: Racial Heterogeneity 

with Munseob Lee, Journal of Applied Econometrics, 2024 

Macroeconomic Effects of COVID-19 Across the World Income Distribution  

with Titan Alon, David Lagakos, and Mitchell VanVuren, IMF Economic Review, 2023 

Policy Articles & Other Publications

How Should Policy Responses to the COVID-19 Pandemic Differ in the Developing World? 

with Titan Alon, David Lagakos, and Mitchell VanVuren, NBER Working Paper No.27273, Press Coverage: [ProMarket] [VoxEU] [IGC Policy Brief]

Real-Time Economic Impacts of COVID-19 in Ghana

with James Dzansi, David Lagakos, and Henry Telli, IGC Policy Brief (2021)

Protecting Lives and Livelihoods During the COVID-19 Pandemic by Shielding the Elderly Populations

with Titan Alon, James Dzansi, David Lagakos, Henry Telli, and Mitchell VanVuren, IGC Policy Brief (2020)

An Empirical Analysis on the Effects of Mobile Terminal Distribution Act in Korea

with Kyoung Hoon Lee, Korean Journal of Industrial Organization (2015); pre-doctoral publication, written in Korean  
