8 Eyes MIDI Page

8 Eyes is a 1988 Famicom game by Thinking Rabbit and Seta. It has very good music composed by Kumei Kenzou. I compiled the NSF data ripped from the game into a more easily-readable 0CC-FamiTracker module ("8 Eyes.0cc"), and from that, I've sequenced some accurate and unembellished MIDIs of the music using LMMS and MidiEditor. I've done this primarily for my own amusement, but also hopefully someone uses these to make cool remixes of what I believe are underappreciated songs. Eventually, I'd like to have sequenced the entire soundtrack, but for now, here is what I have.

Q: "Why don't you upload these on VGMusic? Two of the four 8 Eyes songs on there are mislabeled [as of 11:38 pm, June 17, 2022], and that's not even a quarter of the entire soundtrack!"

A: The uploader won't let me :(

All content here is available as reference material - just don't claim you sequenced it yourself, and, if you think I deserve it, give me a little shoutout (or a little money, I won't complain) :)