Military Profiles in my Family Tree

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My father and his four brothers all served in the military, with the youngest one in Korea, and the rest in WWII. My Uncle Walter was lost at sea in a submarine, in 1944. My father told me that he went to war so I wouldn't have to. I took him at his word! So I never served in the military, but I have tremendous respect and gratitude for those who did.

So I've started to put together a tribute to my relatives who served in the military. The photo above of my great uncle, Charlie "Lob" Chaloupek, is a good representative.

My ancestors came to the US between 1852 and 1892, and none fought in the American Civil War. 

By the way, I was adopted as an infant. This page concerns my adoptive parents' ancestry. I have also researched my biological ancestry. See my Gapinski site.  Most of my biological ancestral lines were in America in colonial times.

As I've said elsewhere, military genealogy is a world unto itself. You might think that the military would be more organized with its information. Instead, it is scattered around in thousands of places! Anyway, it is important to remember the sacrifices and contributions of our military personnel. 

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Updated on 23 Jun 2023 by William Haloupek. Contact haloupek at gmail dot com.