Other machine learning applications

Wordcloud image generated by research papers on various machine learning deep learning topics, Machine Intelligence Lab

Automatic configuration generation for parallel computing applications

  • (SCIE) Jaeung Han, Changdae Kim, Jaehyuk Huh, Gil-Jin Jang, Young-ri Choi*. Configuration Guidance Framework for Molecular Dynamics Simulations in Virtualized Clusters. IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, Volume 10, Issue 3, pages 366-380, MAY/JUNE 1 2017

Natural language processing applications: named entity recognition

Summary: improving machine translation accuracy by named entity recognition and correction

Method: the named entities are detected by BLSTM models, and corrected by attention alignment mapping.

  • (SCIE) Jangwon Lee, Jungi Lee, Minho Lee, Gil-Jin Jang*. Named Entity Correction in Neural Machine Translation Using the Attention Alignment Map. Applied Sciences-Basel (MDPI). Appl. Sci. 2021, 11:7026, pp. 1-21.


Sequence-to-sequence translation model


Transformer translation model