Machine Intelligence Lab

Word cloud image from Machine Intelligence Lab research papers, 2015-2021, generated by wordcloud.Wordcloud and pdfplumber python packages.

News and Announcements

  1. [2022-08-19] 2021학년도 후기 학위수여식. 박진희 졸업.

  2. [2022-08-18] An SCIE paper has been published, 박진희, in collaboration with professor 안상태.

  3. [2022-07-13] An SCIE paper has been published, 박진희

  4. [2022-07-01] 학부연구생 모집

  5. [2022-05-22] An SCIE paper has been published, 박영재/박진희

  6. [2022-04-28] 음성신호처리 이론 및 활용 발표

Research Goals:

  • Understanding how humans react on the real world and achieve knowledge.

  • Extracting informative features from natural data using statistical methods.

  • Developing computer algorithms that can be applied to the practical problems.

Applications (but not limited to):

  • Machine learning - deep learning algorithm development

  • Acoustic signal processing - audio signal separation / classification / perception

  • Speech signal processing - speech recognition / enhancement / synthesis, voice conversion

  • Biomedical signal processing - medical image analysis / detection, EEG signal analysis / classification

If interested in graduate study, and Enthusiastic for those fields, Please do not hesitate to contact the professor.