
Academic information

Brief CV of Dr Michael Anshel

Current Position:

Dr. Michael Anshel, Rank: Professor

Department of Computer Science

The City College of New York (CUNY)

138th Street & Convent Ave New York,

New York 10031

Contact Information:

Office: NAC 8/202-C, Phone with voice mail (212) 650-6164

CCNY CS Department Fax: (212) 650-6248

CCNY e-mail:

AOL e-mail:

Web Page:

Relevant Academic and Professional History

Dr. Anshel has instructed at the City College of New York (CUNY) since 1968.

He has been a member of the Doctoral Faculty since 1973, teaching in the

Engineering, Computer Science and Mathematics programs. He has mentored

over forty doctoral dissertations and is currently mentoring several doctoral

students. Prior to accepting his position at CUNY, Dr. Anshel served at the

Polytechnic Institute of New York 1966-67 and the University of Arizona

1967-68. He has also lectured at the Mt. Sinai School of Medicine 1975-1980.

Dr. Anshel received his BA,MS and PhD respectively from Adelphi University in

1963,1965,1967 and assisted from time to time in the National Science

Foundation Summer Institute for High School Teachers at Adelphi University,

1963-1969. Over the course of his career, Dr. Anshel has received numerous

fellowships and honors, including the CUNY Faculty Fellowship Award 1985, a

NASA-ASEE Faculty Fellowship 1982,1983, a National Science Foundation

Fellowship 1963-1966. He has consulted with several corporations including

AT&T Bell Laboratories 1986-1987, Delphic Associates 1983, Mathematica 1968,

and Lambda Corp 1968 where he worked with the late Hugh Everett III a pioneer

in both quantum theory,game theory and discrete optimization. Dr. Michael

Anshel is one of the founders of Arithmetica and a member of its Board of

Directors. Dr. Anshel is co-inventor for three patents in cryptography and

has published numerous articles in Mathematics and Cryptography.Dr. Anshel

is a member of the AMS,MAA,ACM,IEEE,IACR. He received a Bachelor of Arts

degree magna cum laude, Master of Science degree and a Ph.D. in Mathematics

from Adelphi University in Garden City, New York.

Research, scholarly and teaching interests

mathematical cryptography; cryptography and its relationship to advanced

computing technologies in general, and quantum computing in

particular; the role of cryptography in information warfare; historical

and cultural issues in cryptology.

Ph.D. Dissertation

"Non-Hopfian Groups with Fully Invariant Kernels",

Adelphi University, 1967, Advisor: Donald Solitar

Crypto-related co-authored papers

[AA] I. Anshel and M. Anshel, "From the Post-Markov Theorem through Decision

Problems to Public-Key Cryptography", American Mathematical Monthly Vol.100,

No. 9 (November 1993) 835-845.

[AG] M. Anshel and D. Goldfeld, "Zeta Functions, One-Way Functions, and

Pseudorandom Number Generators", Duke Mathematical Journal Vol. 88 No. 2

(1997) 371-390.

[AAG] I. Anshel, M. Anshel and D. Goldfeld, "An Algebraic Method for

Public-Key Cryptography Mathematical Research Letters 6,1-5,(1999)

[AAFG] I. Anshel, M. Anshel,B. Fisher,D.Goldfeld

"New Key Agreement Protocols in Braid Group Cryptography"

in D.Naccache (ed), Topics in Cryptology- CT-RSA 2001,

LNCS 2020 Springer-Verlag (2001) pp. 13-27

[AAG2002] I. Anshel, M. Anshel and D. Goldfeld, "Non-Abelian Key

Agreement Protocols", Discrete Applied Mathematics, Article 3129, (2002)

electronic publication to appear in hardcopy 2003

[AAG2003] I. Anshel, M. Anshel, and D. Goldfeld, "Non-Abelian

Key Agreement Protocols", Discrete Appl. Math. 130, No.1, 3-12 (2003)

[AAFG2004] I. Anshel, M. Anshel, B. Fisher, and D. Goldfeld,

"A Group Theoretic Approach to Public-Key Cryptography", in

Unusual Applications of Number Theory ed M. Nathanson, American

Mathematical Society, DIMACS: Series in Discrete Mathematics and

Theoretical Computer Science, ISSN:1052-1798, Volume 64 (2004)

pp. 17-23

[LAC2004] D. Lee, M. Anshel and I. Chung,

"Design of an efficient load balancing algorithm on distributed

networks by Employing symmetric balanced incomplete block design",

IEE Proc-Commmunications, v.151, n.6 (December 2004), pp. 535-538

Crypto-related co-authored patents

[MUSE] US5440640: Multistream encryption system for secure communication.

[ZETA1] US5577124: Multi-purpose high speed cryptographically secure sequence

generator based on zeta-one-way functions.

[ZETA2] US5751808: Multi-purpose high speed cryptographically secure sequence

generator based on zeta-one-way functions.

[AKE] US6493449: Method and apparatus for cryptographically secure algebraic

key establishment protocols based on monoids.

[AAGKAP] US7649999: Method and apparatus for establishing a key

agreement protocol.


Crypto-related workshop presentation 1/14/00

M.Anshel, "Public-Key Cryptography via Combinatorial Group Theory"

DIMACS Workshop on Unusual Applications of Number Theory

DIMACS Center,Rutgers University

Crypto-related workshop presentation 10/16/00

M.Anshel, "The Arithmetica Key Exchange"

MSRI,Berkeley, Workshop on Number-theoretic Cryptography


RSA 2001 San Francisco April 8-12, 2001

M. Anshel, "New Key Agreement Protocols in Braid Group Cryptography"

KA protocols are presented whose security is based on the difficulty of

inverting one-way functions derived from hard problems for braid groups.

Efficient/low cost algorithms for key transfer/extraction are presented.

Attacks/security parameters are discussed.

8th International Wigner Symposium, May 27, 2003

M.Anshel, "Braid Group Cryptography and Quantum Cryptanalysis"

Special Mention


In a recently published monograph:

Author: Richard M. Mollin

Title: Introduction to Cryptography

Publisher: Chapman&Hall/CRC Press

Date: August 2000

the following is stated on page 247:

"In 1997,Anshel and Goldfeld [6],presented an explicit construction of a

pseudorandom number generator arising from an elliptic curve,which can be

effectively computed at low computational cost. They introduced a new

intractable problem,distinct from integer factorization or the discrete log

problem, that leads to a new class of one-way functions based on the theory

of zeta functions,and against which there is no known attack."

[6] M. Anshel and D. Goldfeld, "Zeta Functions, One-Way Functions, and

Pseudorandom Number Generators", Duke Mathematical Journal Vol. 88 No. 2

(1997) 371-390.

In Paul Garrett's newly released crypto text, "Making,Breaking Codes: An

Introduction to Cryptology",Prentice Hall (2001) Arithmetica Key Exchange

protocol is discussed on pp. 183-187 based on the paper

Iris Anshel,Michael Anshel and Dorian Goldfeld, "An Algebraic Method for

Public-Key Cryptography", Mathematical Research Letters 6 (1999) 1-5.

Recent Thesis Related to Current Research

Daniella Bak, "Properties of Perfect Shuffle Groups and their Relationship

to Cryptography", Ph.D. Mathematics 2000 CUNY

Service to CUNY

- Teaching Computer Science since 1968: Theory and Cryptography

- Member of Department Executive Committee (1973-97, 2003-present)

- Computer Science Representative University Committee on Research

(1979-1982, 2000-2003)

- Member of Executive Committee of Ph.D. Program in Computer Science,


- Deputy Executive Officer for Computer Science PhD Program in Engineering


- Doctoral Faculty (1973-present) chaired and mentored 36 doctoral


- Co-investigator, ATP-NIST Secure Email Project (2002-present)

Academic and Professional Societies


Ph.D. students listed in the Math Genealogy web site:

Jacob Geller, City University of New York, 1980

Bernard Domanski, City University of New York, 1980

Harlan Crowder, City University of New York, 1982

Richard Jarnigan, City University of New York, 1984

John Najarian, City University of New York, 1985

Dipak Basu, City University of New York, 1986

Stephen Lucci, City University of New York, 1987

Joseph Fulda, City University of New York, 1990

Marc Baumslag, City University of New York, 1991

Jonathan Tien, City University of New York, 1991

Ilyong Chung, City University of New York, 1991

Anthony Galatianos, City University of New York, 1992

Harold Finz, City University of New York, 1992

Steven Tse, City University of New York, 1992

Yu Shyu Weng, City University of New York, 1993

Kisong Yoon, City University of New York, 1993

Shermane Austin, City University of New York, 1993

Melvin Rappaport, City University of New York, 1993

Marina Vulis, City University of New York, 1994

Lin Chen Chang, City University of New York, 1995

Arthur Leff, City University of New York, 1995

Patricia Finch, City University of New York, 1995

Dimitri Vulis, City University of New York, 1995

Marvin Shumowitz, City University of New York, 1996

Marjorie Deutsch, City University of New York, 1997

Michael Brenner, City University of New York, 1998

Kaiyan Zhao, City University of New York, 1998

Edward Arroyo, City University of New York, 1998

Sikiru Fadairo, City University of New York, 1998

Susan Azimisanavi Gass, City University of New York, 1998

Maria Belianina, City University of New York, 1999

Daniella Bak, City University of New York, 2000

Michael Salwen, City University of New York, 2001

Xinzhou Wei, City University of New York, 2002

Elie Feder, City University of New York, 2003

Marc Zucker, City University of New York, 2005

Anh Nguyen, City University of New York, 2006

James Ulrich, City University of New York, 2007

Xiaowen Zhang, City University of New York, 2007

Qinghai Gao, City University of New York, 2008

Ph.D. Students (1980-present) of Professor Michael Anshel

Bernard Domanski - The Complexity of Word Problems

in Group Theory, Ph.D. Dissertation, 1980 (Engineering/Computer Science).

Jacob Geller- The Use of Petri Nets in Detecting and Modelling Concurrencies,

Ph.D. Dissertation, 1980 (Engineering/Computer Science).

Harlan Crowder-Contributions to a Theory for Linear Program Problem Modeling,

Ph.D. Dissertation, 1982 (Engineering/Computer Science).

Richard Jarnigan- Studies of Balanced Tree Structures, Ph.D. Dissertation,

1984 (Mathematics).

John Najarian -Investigations of Braid Group Algorithms, Ph.D. Dissertation,

1985 (Engineering/Computer Science).

Dipak Basu - Mechanization of Data Model Design: A Petri Net Based Approach

to Learning, Ph.D. Dissertation, 1986 (Engineering/Computer Science).

Stephen Lucci -String Matching: A Comparative Study of Algorithms and its

Relation to Problems of Parallel and Distributed Computing, Ph.D. Dissert

ation, 1987 (Computer Science).

Joseph Fulda - Cross--Examination as a Model of Knowledge Elicitation

in the Design of Expert Systems, Ph.D. Dissertation, 1990 (Computer Science).

Ilyong Chung - Dynamic Security: Parallel Communication and Secret Routing

Algorithms, Ph.D. Dissertation, 1991 (Computer Science).

Jonathan Yeh Tien -Neural Petri Nets and their Applications to Combinatorial

Games, Ph.D. Dissertation, 1991 (Mathematics).

Marc Baumslag - Cayley Networks: A Group--Theoretic Approach to the Design

and Analysis of Parallel Networks, Ph.D. Dissertation, 1991 (Computer


Harold Finz - Studies in Computational Group Theory, Ph.D. Dissertation, 1992


Anthony Galatianos -Foundations of a Versatile Personal Digital Cellular

Communication Decision Support System, Ph.D. Dissertation, 1992 (Computer


Steven Tse -Design and Development of a Document Imaging System, Ph.D.

Dissertation, 1992 (Computer Science).

Shermane Austin -Discrete Models of Robot Path Planning, Ph.D. Dissertation,

1993 (Computer Science).

Melvin Rappaport - Mathematical Go: An Analysis, Ph.D. Dissertation, 1993

(Computer Science).

Weng--Yu Shyu - Joseki Search, Parallel Computation and Computer Go: A New

Approach to Joseki Problems, Ph.D. Dissertation 1993 (Computer Science).

Kisong Yoon - Fault Tolerant Node Disjoint Routing in a Hypercube Network,

Ph.D. Dissertation 1993 (Computer Science).

Marina Vulis - A Computational Study of the Factor Groups of the Lower

Central Series of a Certain Free Product, Ph.D. Dissertation 1994


Patricia Finch -A Study of the Blowfish Encryption Algorithm, Ph.D.

Dissertation 1995 (Computer Science).

Dmitri Vulis - Collective Encryption: Cryptosystems based on the Commutator

Collection Process for Certain Free Products, Ph.D. Dissertation 1995


Arthur Leff -The Representation of Combinatorial Games and the Algorithms

used to Play Them, Ph.D. Dissertation 1995 (Computer Science).

Chang--Lin Chen - A Constructive Approach for Chinese Character Recognition,

Ph.D. Dissertation 1995 (Computer Science).

Marvin Shumowitz - Experiments in Group Theory, Ph.D. Dissertation 1996


Marjorie J. Deutsch- Automated Structural Representation and Algorithmic

Authentication of Musical Style and Authorship, Ph.D. Dissertation 1997

(Computer Science).

Edward Arroyo, Dawson's Chess,Snort on Graphs and Graph Involutions, Ph.D.

Dissertation 1998 (Mathematics).

Michael Brenner, Computational Experiments in Braids,

Ph.D. Dissertation 1998 (Computer Science).

Susan Azimisanavi Gass, The Towers of Hanoi Puzzle and the Padluc

Cryptosystem, Ph.D. Dissertation 1998 (Computer Science).

Sikiru A. Fadairo, Mutual Authentication Protocols Using Smart Cards:

Tackling the Masquerader's Problem, Ph.D. Dissertation 1998 (Computer


Kaiyan Zhao, The Combinatorics of Chessboards,

Ph.D. Dissertation 1998 (Mathematics)

Maria Belianina, Studies in Algorithmic Graph Theory, Ph.D. Dissertation

1999 (Mathematics)

Daniella Bak, Properties of Perfect Shuffle groups and their Relationship

to Cryptography, Ph.D Dissertation 2000 (Mathematics)

Michael Salwen, Quantum Computional Attacks on two Diophantine

Cryptosystems, Ph.D Dissertation 2001 (Mathematics)

Xinzhou Wei, An Investigation of the Lattice Based Digital Signature

Scheme and its Application in E-Commerce, Ph.D. Dissertation 2002

(Computer Science)

Elie Feder - Algorithmic Problems in the Braid Group, Ph.D. Dissertation,

2003 (Mathematics)

Marc Zucker - Studies In Cryptological Combinatorics, Ph.D. Dissertation,

2005 (Mathematics)

James L. Ulrich - Ore Visited: An Algorithmic Investigation of the Simple

Commutator Promise Problem, Ph.D. Disseratation, 2006 (Mathematics)

Jianliang Zheng - Wireless Mesh Personal Area Networks: System

Design and Analysis, Ph.D. Dissertation, 2006 (Electrical Engineering)

Myung J. Lee and Michael Anshel were mentors to Jianliang Zheng.

Anh Quoc Nguyen - Building an effective general-purpose quantum simulator

for the design and analysis of quantum circuits, 2006 (Computer Science)

Xiaowen Zhang - Applications of the multi-map orbit hopping

mechanism in stream cipher designs, 2007 (Computer Science)

Qinghai Gao - Secure Biometrics, 2008 (Computer Science)