Teacher & Musician Bios 2014

Rebecca Blackhall-Peters, Teacher

Rebecca was born and raised in the Fraser Valley of British Columbia. In 1995 she took up SCD in Vancouver and earned her Teacher’s Certificate in 2001. As she had a background in classical ballet, she was able to point her toes immediately, however it took bit longer to learn the formations and dances! Currently she teaches a General Class in Fort Langley and is the Artistic Director of the Vancouver Branch Demonstration Team. She has taught workshops throughout North America and has been a core teacher at TAC Summer School and St Andrews.

A Parcel of Rogues: Calum Pasqua, Fiddler and Susie Petrov, Teacher & Pianist

Susie and Calum have some 50+ years of Scottish Country Dancing experience between the two of them. Susie has been an RSCDS teacher for more years than she cares to count! She has given workshops in the US, Canada, Scotland, England, Germany and Italy.

They have gone on to perform as the ensemble A Parcel of Rogues for concerts, balls, summer camps and in a biker bars in Queens. They have two recordings to their credit, “That Pinewoods Sound” and “In Conversation,” Calum’s solo effort. Watch a recording of their recent concert: http://vimeo.com/9118311

This clip: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YNkQ4JUEDEI received an enthusiastic notice from a dancer on the west coast. “DO definitely note the music. Even with just YouTube playback and your computer speakers, the band sounds absolutely terrific…brisk, interesting, snappy, and with great intonation! So just who are these musicians?"

Between gigs out of town and in Europe, Susie and Calum work as music educators. Calum is a high school orchestra teacher in New York and Susie teaches young people to sing and dance in the Boston area.

Curious where their band name, A Parcel of Rogues, comes from? See http://www.robertburns.org/works/344.shtml

Susie and Calum