PayPal Registration

Please follow these instructions:

1. Fill out the 2024 registration form here: online registration form

2. Select your choices from the buttons below. You can adjust quantities of any item when you view your cart. In particular, you can change the donation amount to whatever amount you are donating in your cart as the amount defaults to $1.00

3. To add additional items to your cart (e.g. late fee or donation), you can close the browser tab containing the cart, add another item, and it will show up in your cart.

4. Pay from your PayPal account by clicking the PayPal checkout button in your cart or by using the 'View Cart' button.

Entire Weekend including Lodging and Meals *


Saturday / Sunday Only with Lodging and Meals *


Ball and Banquet and Overnight with Sunday meals *


Single Room Supplement (if you wish a single room, there is a $20/night fee) - this applies only to the 3 options above


Ball and Banquet Only


Ball Only


Banquet Only


Saturday Classes Only including meals (breakfast and lunch)


Sunday Classes Only including meals


Friday Dance Party Only


* Additional late fee after May 22, 2024

Per person, not per registration.

Late fee only applies to starred (*) items.


Voluntary Donation

Update quantity in Shopping Cart to specify amount.

Note that PayPal charges us approximately $12 per transaction. Donations to cover this expense are gratefully accepted though not required.

change amount in cart

View Cart or Check Out