Dances Taught 2013

Fred DeMarse

Saturday am (first class):

  • The Bramble Circle – 4x32 jig – E. Van de Grift – Let’s All Dance
  • Gael Force Wind – 8x32 jig – D. Haynes – Carnforth Collection
  • Asilomar Romantic -8x32 strathspey – T. Cuthbertson – San Francisco Branch Collection, vol. 2

Saturday am (second class):

  • Monterey Mixer – 5 x 32 jig – E. Van de Grift – San Francisco Branch Collection, vol. 2
  • Fair Ronny’s Reel – 8x32 reel – R. Wallace – Dunsmuir Scottish Dancers
  • Laird of Atherton – 3x32 strathspey – J. Kelly – San Francisco Branch Collection, vol. 2
  • Danse Lieber – 4x32 jig – T. Wilson – Dunsmuir Scottish Dancers

Sunday am – combined class:

  • Ambassador’s Reel – 8x32 jig – S. Mayr – Vienna Book of SCD
  • Red Wine and Straight Lines – 3x32 medley (jig, strathspey, reel – one time through each time signature) – J. Kelly - leaflet
  • The Giants of Foudland – 3x48 reel – A. Smith – Aurora 10th Anniversary Book

Lara Friedman-Shedlov

Instructions for starred dances are attached below.



  • *Daisy Nick Nack (Ronald leaflet)
  • *Four Hands on Deck (Glasspool leaflet)
  • Neidpath Tower (Downey/They Stole My Wife Tonight)
  • *The Guests at Mairi's Wedding (Gaze/Dookie Bookie)
  • Change Your Shoes Faster

Change Your Shoes Faster (Blim/Reeladelphia)

32 J 3C Blim/Reeladelphia

1-8 1C cross RH and cast 2 places, cross RH and cast back to original places.

9-16 1C, followed by 2C lead down the middle. 1C followed by 2C lead back up.

17-18 1C cast to 2nd place as 2C continue to lead up finishing in 1st place

19-24 LS reels of 3 across the set, 1W with 2C, 1M with 3C, finishing by passing RS to face 2nd corners.

25-32 Corners pass & turn variation: 1C dance around 2nd corner positions and back into the middle, pulling back RS to face 1st corners while 2nd corners dance in, turn RH and back to places. 1C dance around 1st corners positions and finish in 2nd place on own sides as 1st corners dance in, turn RH, and back to places.