Origin of the Name Midewin

The Midewin National Tallgrass Prairie is in northeastern Illinois, an area known to have been occupied by Potawatomi Indians of the Anishinaabe (a term used by the Ottawa, Potawatomi, Ojibwa and Menomonee meaning "the original people.") of the Great Lakes region in the United States and Canada.

“Midewin” is the Anishinaabe name for their “Grand Medicine society.” Made up of spiritual leaders, advisors and healers that practiced sacred ceremonies that maintained a respectful balanced relationship between the Anishinaabe people and their environment. The word “Midewin” was chosen to honor these leaders and healers that are the original stewards of the land.

The Midewin National Tallgrass Prairie was established in 1996 as the largest portion of the peacetime conversion of the former Joliet Army Ammunition Plant. Much of the land subsequently transferred to the USDA Forest Service in 1997 had been used to support munitions manufacturing and had been leased for farming. Less than three percent of the land contained native vegetation. Many of the wetlands had been drained; some of the streambeds had been dredged into straight channels. The task of healing and restoring these lands to their former beauty will take many years.

In 1994, as the concept of restoring the former Joliet Arsenal to a natural area for public use was being developed, the name “Midewin” was the first choice of the partners involved. The USDA Forest Service contacted the only two federally recognized tribes at that time that had a historic attachment to this area, the Citizen Band Potawatomi Indians of Oklahoma, and the Prairie Band Potawatomi Tribal Council in Kansas. A positive response was received from the Citizen Band, and no response was received from the Prairie Band.

The USDA Forest Service recognizes the significance of the Anishinaabe name and is committed to its respectful use. We are conscientious in explaining its meaning and acknowledging its importance. We believe that the restoration of the prairie is in keeping with the purpose of the Anishinaabe Midewin society, and it is our intention to honor that purpose.


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