
[July 2024] The paper, entitled "Empowering traffic speed prediction with auxiliary feature-aided dependency learning", has been accepted for presentation at the ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM 2024) (short).

[July 2024] The paper, entitled "Leveraging trustworthy node attributes for effective network alignment", has been accepted for presentation at the ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM 2024).

[June 2024] The paper, entitled "On the feasibility of fidelity- for graph pruning", has been accepted for presentation at the IJCAI Workshop on Explainable AI (XAI 2024).

[March 2024] The paper, entitled "Turbo-CF: Matrix decomposition-free graph filtering for fast recommendation", has been accepted for presentation at the  International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR 2024) (short).

[March 2024] The paper, entitled "Collaborative filtering based on diffusion models: Unveiling the potential of high-order connectivity ", has been accepted for presentation at the  International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR 2024).

[March 2024] The paper, entitled  "PAGE: Prototype-based model-level explanations for graph neural networks", has been accepted for publication in the IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence.

[February 2024] The paper, entitled  "Energy-efficient edge learning via joint data deepening-and-prefetching", has been accepted for publication in the IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications.

[November 2023] Jin-Duk has won the Best Paper Award of the 2023 KICS Summer Conference for the paper, entitled "Oversmoothing alleviation in graph neural network-based criteria recommender systems".

[June 2023] The US patent, entitled "Method and device for completing social network using artificial neural network", has been granted.

[May 2023] The MIDas Lab has been selected to be funded by the Basic Research Laboratory (BRL) Program through the National Research Foundation (NRF), where Dr. Shin will be leading the lab as a PI while conducting the project on "Low-Latency Medical Twin Realization Using Physics-Aware Graph Learning-Based AI (MEGA) Laboratory" (Grant: 500M KRW/year, 2023-2026). [see Link1, Link2] 

[February 2023] Yong-Min Shin has won the Best Paper Award of the 2023 A3 Foresight Program - AI-Based Future IoT Technologies and Services Workshop for his paper, entitled "Towards MLPs as efficient graph learners".

[January 2023] The paper, entitled "AI-empowered database management platform for new materials discovery for consumer electronics", has been demonstrated in the IEEE Consumer Communications & Networking Conference (CCNC 2023). [see Link]

[November 2022] The technology, entitled "System and method for community detection of partially observed networks", has been transferred to DataTown.

[November 2022] The paper, entitled "A study on recommending social media relevant keywords for efficient marketing", has won the Best Paper Award of the 2022 KICS Summer Conference. [see Link]

[August 2022] A press release about the project on "Construction of an Experimental Materials Property Database for the K-Materials Genome Initiative" is now available at Link.

[August 2022] Dr. Shin has won the 2022-Spring Best Teaching Award of the Yonsei Gradual School of Engineering. 

[July 2022] The technology, entitled "Method for SNS bot detection using geographic information", has been transferred.

[May 2022] The MIDaS Lab has been selected to be funded by the Data Construction Program for Artificial Intelligence Learning through the National Information Society Agency (NIA), where Dr. Shin has been conducting the project on "Construction of an Experimental Materials Property Database for the K-Materials Genome Initiative" as a Co-PI (Grant: 100M KRW, 2022).

[May 2022] Jin-Duk has won the Best Paper Award of the 2022 KICS Winter Conference for the paper, entitled "Gradual network alignment with edge augmentation". 

[May 2022] Dr. Shin has won the 2021 Best Teaching Award of the College of Science in the Yonsei Gradual School.

[March 2022] Dr. Shin has served as an Organizing Committee (a Workshops Co-chair) in the 2023 IEEE Consumer Communications & Networking Conference (CCNC) to be held in Las Vegas, NV USA.

[January 2022] Yong-Min Shin (an Integrated M.S./Ph.D. student) has won the Bronze Prize of the Samsung Humantech Paper Contest (2022) for his work "Edgeless-GNN: Unsupervised Inductive Edgeless Network Embedding". Congratulations! [see Link]

[October 2021] The patent, entitled "Apparatus and method for anomaly detection using multivariate heterogeneous time-series data ", has been granted (Patent Number: #10-2321440).

[September 2021] Yong-Min Shin and two undergraduate research participants (Sung-Woo Kim and Eun-Bi Yoon) have won the Best Paper Award of the 2021 KICS Summer Conference for their paper, entitled "Concept-aided explanation of graph neural networks".

[August 2021] The MIDaS Lab has been selected to be funded by the Global Joint Research Program through the Institute for Information and Communications Technology Promotion (IITP), where Dr. Shin has been conducting the project on "Healthcare Technology Development Based on Deep Learning Using Lifelong Multimodal Big Data" as a Technical Staff (Grant: 60M KRW/year, 2021-2022).

[August 2021] Dr. Shin has been selected as a 2021 ICT Express Best Guest Editor in the ICT Express. [see Link]

[July 2021] The patent, entitled "Method and device for completing social network using artificial neural network," has been granted (Patent Number: #10-2284436).

[June 2021] Changwon Seo and Kyeong-Joong Jeong have won the Best Paper Award of the 2021 KICS Winter Conference for the paper, entitled "Improving diversity of top-N recommendation using network embedding".

[June 2021] Cong Tran has successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis "A study on learning under uncertainty: Analysis of incomplete networks" on June 3rd, 2021. Congratulations on becoming Dr. Tran!

[April 2021] The technology, entitled "Method for detecting boundary line of point-of-interest and apparatus for performing the method", has been transfer to BluetileLab.

[April 2021] The technology, entitled "Apparatus and method for constructing combined feature based on discriminant analysis for face recognition", has been transfered to AHA Information & Communication Co., Ltd.

[April 2021] The MIDaS Lab has been selected to be funded by the Post-MAC Development program through the Institute for Information and Communications Technology Promotion (IITP), where Dr. Shin will be conducting the project on "6G Post-MAC: POsitioning- & Spectrum-aware intelligenT MAC for Computing & Communication Convergence" as a Technical Staff (Grant: 50M KRW/year, 2021-2025).

[February 2021] The MIDas Lab has been selected to be funded by the Mid-career Researcher Program (Type 2) through the National Research Foundation (NRF), where Dr. Shin will be conducting the project on "Deep Network Completion for Solving Hyper-uncertainty Problems and Its Core Technology Development" as a PI (Grant: 400M KRW/year, 2021-2026).

[November 2020] The paper, entitled "Secrecy performance analysis of wireless network with potential eavesdroppers", has won the Best Paper Award of the 2020 KICS Summer Conference.

[August 2020] The MIDas Lab has been selected to be funded by the BK21 Four Program through the National Research Foundation (NRF), where Dr. Shin has been conducting the project on "Yonsei Mathematical Sciences and Computation" from 2020 to 2027.

[October 2019] The technology, entitled "Apparatus and method for constructing composite feature vector based on discriminant analysis for face recognition", has been transferred to O2O Payment.

[May 2019] Dr. Shin's interview with Bridge Economy is now available at Link.

[April 2019] The technology, entitled "Apparatus and method for a clustering-based recommendation considering user preferences", has been transferred to Greenberry.

[January 2019] Ryuhei Takahashi pursuing his M.S. at the University of Eletro-Communications was with our lab as a visiting scholar.

[November 2018] Dr. Shin has won the KICS Journal Best Paper Award for the paper entitled "Rating information-aided denoising AutoEncoder for effective collaborative filtering".

[October 2018] Dr. Shin was with the Wireless group at The University of Hong Kong as a visiting scientist.

[October 2018] Adeel Malik has won the Best Paper Award for the paper, entitled "A personalized popularity learning framework for caching in mobile networks", presented at the 2018 KICS-Summer Conference.

[September 2018] Dr. Shin was with Harvard Medical School and Boston Children's Hospital in Boston, MA USA as a visiting scientist.

[August 2018] Dr. Shin served as a Guest Editor of Energies in regard to the Special Issue on Green Radio, Energy Harvesting, and Wireless-Powered Communications for Beyond-5G Wireless Systems. [see Link]

[July 2018] Dr. Shin and Cong Tran visited the Institute of Computer Science at Heidelberg University in Heidelberg, Germany to conduct an overseas joint research program.

[February 2018] Tatsuhiro Kawaguchi who obtained the M.S. degree at the University of Electro-Communications was with our lab as a visiting scholar.

[January 2018] Jin-Hwa Kim has won the Best Paper Award for the paper, entitled "Investigating dataset dynamics in recommender systems", presented at the 2018 KICS-Winter Conference.

[December 2017] Lab members visited the Advanced Wireless and Communications Research Center at the University of Electro-Communications (UEC) in Tokyo, Japan to conduct an overseas joint research program. [see Link]

[December 2017] Son (Shan) Chu who obtained the Ph.D. degree at the University of Oxford was with our lab as a visiting scholar.

[May 2017] Adeel Malik has won the Best Paper Award for the paper, entitled "Caching in mobile networks using file segmentation", presented at the 2017 KICS-Winter Conference.

[September 2016] Dr. Shin has won the 2016 KICS Haedong Young Scholar Award.[Press]

[March 2016] Dr. Shin has been elevated to an IEEE Senior Member.

[July 2014] Dr. Shin served on the Editorial Board of IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences from July 1, 2014 to June 30, 2018.