
I. Name:

The name of this group shall be the Maryland Independent College and University Association (MICUA) Library Directors Round Table.

II. Mission Statement:

The MICUA Library Directors Round Table provides a forum where academic library directors share ideas and concerns and discuss issues and trends that impact the administration and delivery of library services. Founded in 1976, the Round Table encourages and seeks to facilitate cooperative ventures through joint purchasing (via MDL), reciprocal borrowing, staff training, joint collection development and planning, and other activities. As the voice of library directors of independent colleges in Maryland, the Round Table represents and advocates for libraries at the state level and at MICUA. The Round Table fosters collegiality among its members as well as with other state and regional library organizations.

III. Purpose:

1. Influence planning for and promotion of independent academic libraries in Maryland.

2. Exchange information on library policies and issues.

3. To promote and facilitate reciprocal borrowing among members.

4. Represent the independent academic libraries at statewide meetings (such as CALD and MDL) and to MICUA.

5. Foster collegiality and provide informal mentorship among the members.

IV. Members:

The library directors of MICUA institutions or their designees shall be ex officio members. Each institutional member shall have one vote.

V. Officers:

1. Officers shall be a chairperson and a recording secretary. There will be two-year terms commencing in July. The elections for the chairperson and recording secretary positions shall occur in alternating years. Elections will take place at the Spring meeting of the year before start of term in July. Interim vacancies shall be filled by an ad-hoc election, with those elected to serve out the remainder of the vacated position’s term.

2. Duties of officers:

a. The Chairperson shall prepare meeting agendas and shall preside at all meetings. The Chairperson will also coordinate the preparation of the annual MICUA libraries factsheet, delegating tasks as needed.

b. The secretary shall take minutes, and maintain the Round Table mailing list and website, including Round Table documents such as minutes, agendas, and resource sharing agreements.

c. Officers shall maintain and share a business continuity document with access information for Round Table electronic resources such as the listserv, web site, and documents repository. This document shall pass to the next elected officer at the end of the term.

3. In the absence of the Chairperson, the secretary shall fulfill the functions of the Chairperson.

4. The officers of the Round Table shall constitute its executive board, with power to transact business.

VI. Appointed Representatives:

Members of the Round Table shall:

1. Appoint two representatives, or Director designees, to the Maryland Digital Library (MDL) Management Group, for three-year terms, assuring that terms of appointment are staggered.

2. Appoint two representatives to the Congress of Academic Library Directors (CALD) Executive Board for a three-year term, assuring that terms of appointment are staggered.

VII. Meetings:

Meetings shall be at least four times a year during the months of September through June. Other sessions may be called by the executive board. A majority of the Round Table members present virtually or in person shall suffice as a quorum for the transaction of business.

VIII. Rules of Order:

The rules contained in Robert's Rules of Order shall govern the procedure of the Round Table in all cases where they apply.

IX. Amendments:

These bylaws may be amended by a majority vote at any meeting at which a quorum is present virtually or in person. Amendments must have been previously submitted to the membership in writing at a regular meeting or electronically.

REV. DATE: 05/25/2022