一橋大学 国際・公共政策大学院 「応用計量経済分析III」 2015年度冬学期


●講義ノート (パスワード保護あり)

ガイダンス (パスワード保護なし)

講義1 Prenatal and newborn care 1

Almond, Douglas. "Is the 1918 Influenza pandemic over? Long‐term effects of in utero Influenza exposure in the post‐1940 US population." Journal of political Economy 114.4 (2006): 672-712.

Almond, Douglas, and Bhashkar Mazumder. "Health capital and the prenatal environment: the effect of Ramadan observance during pregnancy." American Economic Journal: Applied Economics (2011): 56-85.

講義2 Prenatal and newborn care 2

Almond, D., JJ Doyle Jr, AE Kowalski, H Williams. "Estimating Marginal Returns to Medical Care: Evidence from At-Risk Newborns." The Quarterly Journal of Economics 125.2 (2010): 591-634.

Almond, Douglas, Hilary W. Hoynes, and Diane Whitmore Schanzenbach. "Inside the war on poverty: The impact of food stamps on birth outcomes." The Review of Economics and Statistics 93.2 (2011): 387-403.

講義3 Education and child care 1

Angrist, Joshua D., and Victor Lavy. "Using Maimonides' Rule to Estimate the Effect of Class Size on Scholastic Achievement." The Quarterly Journal of Economics 114.2 (1999): 533-575.

Fredriksson, Peter, Björn Öckert, and Hessel Oosterbeek. "Long-Term Effects of Class Size." The Quarterly journal of economics 128.1 (2013): 249-285.

講義4 Education and child care 2

Havnes, Tarjei, and Magne Mogstad. "No child left behind: Subsidized child care and children's long-run outcomes." American Economic Journal: Economic Policy (2011): 97-129.

Ludwig, Jens, and Douglas L. Miller. "Does Head Start Improve Children's Life Chances? Evidence from a Regression Discontinuity Design." The Quarterly Journal of Economics (2007): 159-208.

講義5 Institution and growth 1

Acemoglu, Daron, et al. “The Colonial Origins of Comparative Development: An Empirical Investigation.” The American Economic Review 91.5 (2001): 1369-1401

Nunn, Nathan. “The Long-Term Effects of Africa‘s Slave Trades.” The Quarterly Journal of Economics 123.1 (2008): 139-176

講義6 Institution and growth 2 / Intergovernmental grants 1

Acemoglu, Daron, et al. “The Consequences of Radical Reform: The French Revolution.” The American Economic Review (2011): 3286-3307

Baicker, Katherine, and Nora Gordon. “The effect of state education finance reform on total local resources.” Journal of Public Economics 90.8 (2006): 1519-1535.

講義7 Intergovernmental grants 2

Cascio, Elizabeth U., Nora Gordon, and Sarah Reber. “Local responses to federal grants: evidence from the introduction of title I in the South.” American Economic Journal: Economic Policy 5.3 (2013): 126-159.

Chodorow-Reich, Gabriel, et al. “Does state fiscal relief during recessions increase employment? Evidence from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act.” American Economic Journal: Economic Policy (2012): 118-145.

講義8 Intergovernmental grants 3 / Trade and economic growth

Litschig, Stephan, and Kevin M. Morrison. “The impact of intergovernmental transfers on education outcomes and poverty reduction.” American Economic Journal: Applied Economics 5.4 (2013): 206-240

Frankel, Jeffrey A., and David Romer. “Does trade cause growth?.” American economic review (1999): 379-399

講義9 Corruption / Institution and growth 3

Duggan, Steven and D. Levitt "Winning Isn't Everything: Corruption in Sumo Wrestling." The American Economic Review 92.5 (2002): 1594-1605.

Dell, Melissa. "The persistent effects of Peru's mining mita." Econometrica 78.6 (2010): 1863-1903.

講義10 Healthcare: Supply and demand

Clemens, Jeffrey, and Joshua D. Gottlieb. “Do Physicians‘ Financial Incentives Affect Medical Treatment and Patient Health?.” The American economic review 104.4 (2014): 1320.

Shigeoka, Hitoshi. “The Effect of Patient Cost Sharing on Utilization, Health, and Risk Protection.” The American Economic Review 104.7 (2014): 2152-2184

講義11 School education

Kane, Thomas J., Jonah E. Rockoff, and Douglas O. Staiger. “What does certification tell us about teacher effectiveness? Evidence from New York City.” Economics of Education review 27.6 (2008): 615-631.

Deming, David J., et al. “School Choice, School Quality, and Postsecondary Attainment.” The American Economic Review 104.3 (2014): 991-1013.

講義12 Facility siting

Bailey, Martha J., and Andrew Goodman-Bacon. "The War on Poverty’s Experiment in Public Medicine: Community Health Centers and the Mortality of Older Americans." The American economic review 105.3 (2015): 1067.

Currie, Janet, et al. “Environmental Health Risks and Housing Values: Evidence from 1,600 Toxic Plant Openings and Closings.” The American Economic Review 105.2 (2015): 678-709

講義13 Farm / Public health insurance

Sneeringer, Stacy, and Nigel Key. “Effects of size-based environmental regulations: Evidence of regulatory avoidance.” American Journal of Agricultural Economics 93.4 (2011): 1189-1211.

Kondo, Ayako, and Hitoshi Shigeoka. "Effects of universal health insurance on health care utilization, and supply-side responses: evidence from Japan." Journal of Public Economics 99 (2013): 1-23.

講義14 Infrastructure / Active Labor Market Policy (ALMP)

Duranton, Gilles, and Matthew A. Turner. “Urban growth and transportation.” The Review of Economic Studies 79.4 (2012): 1407-1440.

Lechner, Michael, Ruth Miquel, and Conny Wunsch. "Long‐run effects of public sector sponsored training in West Germany." Journal of the European Economic Association 9.4 (2011): 742-784

Meta analyses on ALMP