Michel Serafinelli
I am a Senior Lecturer in Economics at King's Business School, King's College London; previous to King's I was at University of Toronto and University of Essex; I hold a Phd from Berkeley; I am a Research Fellow at IZA, CESifo, CReAM and an Associate Editor at the Economic Journal. My primary fields are Labour & Regional Economics. Much of my current work is at the intersection of my primary fields and Environmental Economics; more generally, some of my research has a Political Economy angle. I mainly study the causes and the consequences of differences across space in labour market outcomes. Within this agenda, research keywords are green transition, manufacturing, regional institutions.
Current Research
The World’s Rust Belts: The Heterogeneous Effects of Deindustrialization on 1,993 Cities in Six Countries – with L. Gagliardi, E. Moretti; Submitted, NBER Working Paper 31948. [Media/Outreach: UK Cabinet Office's Open Innovation Team, Forbes, Les Echos, Resolution Foundation, FAZ, NBER Digest, IZA World of Labor, VoxEU, eco, U of Essex taster]
Coal Phaseout and Local Jobs - with D. Sonedda
Deindustrialization as a Double-edged Sword: Comparing Employment and Environmental Effects - with N. Reynolds
Demand for Green Skills in an Evolving Landscape - with E. Arenas-Arroyo, J. Fabian, F. Mengel, B. Schmidpeter
Inventors' Coworker Networks and Innovation – with S. Di Addario, Z. Feng; Submitted, IZA DP No. 17398
Tourism and Growth in the Local Labor Market - with L. Conti, M. Francesconi, G. Papini
Rural Employment Evolutions - with E. Faieta, Z. Feng
Foreign Direct Investment and Knowledge Diffusion in Poor Locations - with G. Abebe & M. McMillan, Journal of Development Economics, Vol. 158 [VoxDev; Replication Files]
Creativity over Time and Space - with G. Tabellini, Journal of Economic Growth, Vol. 27, pages 1–43, [Media/outreach: Resolution Foundation, EEA Briefing, VoxEU, Marginal Revolution; Replication Files; Web Appendix]
'Good' Firms, Worker Flows and Local Productivity, Journal of Labor Economics, Vol. 37, pages 747-792. [VoxEU; Replication Files; Web Appendix; Slides]
Politico-economic Regimes and Attitudes: Female Workers under State-socialism - with P. Campa, Review of Economics and Statistics, 101 (2), 233-248. [Media/outreach: VoxEU, HSE talk , Policy Brief, Convos With Tyler N. Nunn podcast; Replication Files; Web Appendix]
Attitudes, Policies and Work - with F. Giavazzi & F. Schiantarelli, Journal of the European Economic Association, 11 (6), 1256-1289 [Ungated Version; Replication Files; Web Appendix; non-technical summary]