8. English

Welcome to the site of Michel Ormancey, a painter of serenity, peace, and profoundness.

You can find here some information about the painter and his exhibitions.

Michel Ormancey (28 June 1944 - 17 May 2022) started painting when he was ten years old and has produced 638 works in different styles but all expressing his peace, interiority, hope, optimism, and spirituality. 'Versatility, balance, warm colours' are three keywords in his art. He mainly paints with oil but has also painted icons.

His favourite painters are: Cézanne (because he is the father of modern painting), Rouault (for his light and stained-glass window style), Kandinsky (for his spirituality), Chagall (for his joyful colours), and Matisse (because he simplified painting).

On this site, you can also find some photographs and the information about his exhibitions.

Enjoy your visit!

Contact: p.ormancey@gmail.com

Photos: https://sites.google.com/site/michelormanceyartistepeintre/tableaux

Video on You Tube (with English subtitles): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a-_--u7HmtI

You can follow Michel Ormancey on Face Book: Michel Ormancey | Facebook

NB: You can also visit his son's music site:
